Chapter 10 - Mysterious Visitor

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"You find a mysterious object in your backyard. What is it? Here's a hint: it's something that could change your life forever. Do you want to investigate further or ignore it?"

Does neo Pico count as an object...?

Finally, my writing improves. Like, chapter 1, I don't want to ever see that again 🤦‍♀️.


Neitho was busy battling it out with his next opponents, so Kira was left home alone. She went outside to the backyard to her vegetable garden. She was attempting to grow a pumpkin earlier, but that seed didn't get very far. Her new strawberry plants were flourishing though.

Just as she turned the corner to walk down the stone pathway towards her garden, however, she saw a stranger dressed in a very futuristic outfit with a glass eyepiece tainted pink and streaks of glowing lights, similar to her own and Keith's stage wear.

"You are Kira, right?" the stranger asked. He was already embarassed from last time because he had taken an innocent woman, and hoped that this girl would be the right one.

Kira was shocked and feared her life. She decided complying with the trespasser was the best thing to do at the moment.

"Uh...yes? H-how do you know-"

"What I know isn't important right now. Listen, you are in great danger!"


Now Kira was curious to see if she really was endangered.

"Yes. Will you listen to me?"

The man's expression was calm but serious, and eyes seemed to ask, "Do you trust me?". Kira hesitated for a moment, considering the offer, when she noticed the gun the stranger was holding. She immediately went on guard again. Sensing her alarm, the man casually dropped his gun behind him and looked Kira directly in the eye. Kira decided to give him a chance, still keeping her distance.


"Kira, you are dating the rising rapstar Neo, correct?"


Kira also was worried about how this stranger had gained so much information on them.

"Okay, look, I'll get straight to the point - the reason you're in danger is because there is a monster haunting your boyfriend."

 Kira had never been more confused in her life. "What are you going on about? And why should I believe y-"

She was stopped midsentence as in a flash, the stranger had picked up his gun and pointed it straight at her forehead, several steps closer from his previous position. Kira froze in fear.

"That's what they all said," the stranger growled before lowering his gun to his side. Kira slightly relaxed, but was still scared out of her mind. This man had the upper hand, and she couldn't afford to step out of line.

"Illusion. He's the monster, and for some reason he seems to have an interest in Neo. We have no idea why."

"We?" Kira thought, but she didn't dare speak. She simply nodded for the man to continue.

"We came to warn you. If Neo starts acting strange, contact us immediately."

The man took out his phone from his pocket, quickly tapped a few buttons, and showed Kira the screen. It had his phone number on it, and somehow nothing else but white. Understanding what he wanted, Kira took out her own phone and typed his number in, her hands shaking. The man held out his hand, and Kira slowly gave him his phone. He glanced at her contacts, gave a confirming nod, then handed the phone back.

"But- just who are you-"

Kira didn't get a reply as the man swiftly scaled the wooden fence and leaped over the edge.

Kira was still skeptical. Maybe the man was some drunk mad man and she should call the police or something. But a part of her believed the man - why else would he be so serious about it? Kira made the decision to keep the number.

She didn't feel exactly safe anymore outside, so she hurried inside and locked the back door. She texted Neitho saying, "I miss you." Neitho immediately replied, "U2, wish you were here".

Kira smiled to herself at his text. Acting strange? Neitho would always remain the sweet, caring boyfriend she knew now...right?

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