Chapter 19 - Wheel of misfortune

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"Skod and Psump try to stop the Lemon Demon from bothering Softie and Toughie. It doesn't go too well."

So chapter 19 is going to be split into a lot of different parts, because otherwise this chapter would be more than 2k words, no joke!

And since I'm here, might as well say this is NOT set in chapter 5, this is still in the current timeline - set after ch. 15.

Self-made the gif this time again, kind of put a blueish coat over it. Process was hard because everything in this mod was more...smushed, then neo mod.


After almost being cornered at the train station, Benjamin and Picon were forced to go on the move once again, deciding it was safe to stay at the abandoned mansion for another night. And guess who had thought the same thing?

"Huh? You two are here again?" the Picon growled, distrustful of the pair.

"Hi misters!" the Spookeez said in unison.

"Woah, they look-"

"-Just like us!" Psump exclaimed, finishing Skod's sentence.

The two had stumbled upon the abandoned mansion one night and were currently spying on its inhabitants just for fun. There were two boys, one looking like a dangerous thug with the dark green hood and skull mask and everything, while the other wore more pastel clothing and looked like he was about to burst into tears at any moment. There were also two kids who had an uncanny resemblance to the Halloween duo themselves.

"Come on, they even copied our looks," Skod grumbled from his hidden spot behind one of the stained glass windows, which had suprisingly not shattered over the many years. It was hard to see inside, but the two could still make out the main figures inside. As the blue-haired boy and the copycats were getting ready to rap battle again, much to the dangerous thug's disapproval, Psump noticed something strange.

"Hey Skod, I think there's someone else in the room too."

"Really? Let me see," said Skod, pushing his friend away to get a better look through the colorful glass.

"Under the stairway," Psump confirmed, and when Skod looked that way, he did indeed see something out of place. A dark shadow, a pile of dark black, mistmatched with its surroundings, almost like it was slightly extending the darkness out of the underspace of the stairway.

" that?" Skod gasped. He felt light-headed just from looking at the thing.

"I don't...know," said Psump, his eyes wide. "Let's go investigate."

Still in his state of shock, Skod was skeptical, but followed his friend as they snuck around the building to find a secluded entrance that wouldn't alert attention. Whatever he had seen, he had a strange feeling it wasn't good.

It was only during the second match of singing between the humans when the Lemon Demon caught the two new intruders and pulled them closer to the darkness. They looked almost exactly like the Spookeez, and maybe they could be the replacement he was searching for.

"Yes...come to me..." he whispered.

Skod and Psump couldn't stop themselves from slowly stepping towards the underspace of the stairway. They knew they were dead meat as soon as they set foot in the shadows but...the Lemon Demon was able to grab control of them nonetheless.

The ancient monster grinned to himself. Finally, he could start recollecting sad soul emotions and hopefully be free by next Halloween.

"You will listen to whatever I say, understand?" he rumbled.

"Yes, you are our leader," the two friends said mindlessly, their voices monotone, their eyes dizzy with power.

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