Chapter 20.11 - Bahebfidomug

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This plot is eating me alive. This...would've made more sense if I put it after the last dialogue line. Oh well.

Yes, Marilyn's stage name is Spotlight.

And yes, the next few chapter parts will be based on The Forever Labyrinth, a new game in Google Arts & Culture. Like sci-fi mysteries that aren't related to aliens and bend the very fabricated existence of reality? Give it a play, it's really good. Uh, but my description sucked, so don't get the wrong idea.


In all honesty, Mia had no idea how to create a love potion herself, even with her demonic powers. But she hadn't wanted to disappoint her friend in the moment, so she agreed to the idea.

Being rich herself, she had her own limousine, though it still couldn't compare to the Fairests'. Currently she was driving Grace to her favorite spot to buy "interesting" goods, where there might be a love potion - the Bahebfidomug. No, that wasn't a typo. Mia always complained to them about their name, but the small group insisted that this name fit with their organization's title the best. Mia knew they were just being lazy.

The tall city buildings had given way to trees, and the trees had given way to grass, and the grass had given way to dirt, which eventually lead to sand. An endless desert of sand.

"Are you sure you're driving us to the right place?" Grace asked worriedly, looking at a passing tumbleweed, something she had only seen in old western movies.

"Relax. A base's gotta set camp out of town," said Mia nonchalantly, not looking at Grace.

After a few more minutes of driving, Mia slowed down in supposedly the middle of nowhere, only tall mountains in the distance and a single shrub on the inside of the road, and said, "We're here."

"What? Where?" Grace demanded. "Where are we?"

Mia ignored her and stopped the car. "Look and you'll see."

She got out of the limousine, so Grace followed. There was one other thing in this area. A large gray tent, about as big as a fourth of Grace's bedroom. A shelf of several wooden crates, filled to the brim with fresh produce, were placed in the center, blocking direct access inside, though you could clearly see through the sizable gap above it. Apples, ears of corn, celery, a collection of watermelons - Grace wondered how anyone could grow such things in the desert. Or maybe they were magic?

At the sound of a car door slamming, two figures appeared the front counter. They both wore hats, each a different color.

"Who...? Oh. It's you. And...whoever you are." The person with the red cap spoke, crossing his arms.

"We need a love potion. Would you happen to have one?" asked Mia.

"Non-consensual drug use? I thought you were better that?" said the other person teasingly.

"Oh shut up. It isn't for me, it's for-"

"Me," Grace cut in. "My future depends on this! My whole future of happiness depends on this!"

"Well, that's too bad," the red-capped person deadpanned. "We have one of those - they're rare and expensive, ya know - and Golden has it."

"And he's out," the green-capped person added.

"Well, where can we find this Golden?" Grace panicked.

"Uh...him and D were out looking for BF in the FL, and-"

"Stop with the names! She doesn't even know all of ya'll," said Mia, rolling her eyes. "Just give a clear answer."

"The clear answer is, we have no idea! If anything, we've lost three members to cause of death," said the red-capped person.

"Don't talk like that! They're still alive!" the green-capped person grumbled.

"This is great. Do you have a straightforward answer, or are we going on a wild goose chase here?" said Mia. She really needed that potion - it would take her forever to learn how to make her own, and again, she didn't want to disappoint Marilyn and Grace- no, Spotlight and Gigi.

"They were headed for the Forever Labyrinth on their search," the green-capped person spoke up, realizing his fellow friend wasn't going to give any useful information.

"No...such a deep, dark, chasm of mankind has not been destroyed?"

"Nothing that powerful can be destroyed. You have seen the map yourself - surely, you must know."

"Then...I'm afraid we've no choice but to look. Any clue on a room?"

"Perhaps check Seas."

"Will do."

Grace could only stare confused at the two, wondering what they were going on about this "Forever Labyrinth". A maze, of sorts? She had also noticed the slight change in their way of speaking. A more refined tone.

"Grace." The mention of her name caught her attention. "Let's go. And on the way, I will explain the Forever Labyrinth."

"Tell me now! Come on, I'm so curious! I'm dying of curiosity!" Grace cried as they walked back to the car, under the watchful gaze of the camp's guards.

Once they were both inside, before starting the car, Mia turned to look directly into Grace's eyes. "You do not know where we are going. You cannot began to understand until you see it with your own eyes. The Forever Labyrinth.

"And if you linger and will eat you alive."

Grace nodded nervously and tried not to look intimidated as Mia turned on the engine. Whatever happened next, she knew it would all be worth it as soon as she got Benjamin back where he truly belonged - in her arms.

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