Sidestory 2 - Wondrous Garden

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"Your character stumbles upon a magical garden hidden in the city. The garden has the power to heal any wound or illness, but it's guarded by a mysterious creature. What does your character do to gain access to the garden, and what kind of challenges do they face along the way?"

I'm so sorry I keep getting carried away 😅 so yeah have another bonus chapter.

And yes, Pelican Gaming reference sorry for that too 😅😅. You can be my nasty girl~🎶

I'm also sorry for the name I gave to this version of BF T-T.


Magikeith, finally finished with his homework, let out a loud sigh. Highschool was a lot tougher than he expected it to be. Math and english weren't his strongest suits. If only his singing capabilities counted on his college admission. He decided to take a walk outside to clear his mind. The whole day had been dreary, the sky a dark grey, and finally the entire neighborhood was covered once again in warm sunlight. After being stuck inside for so long, Magikeith was excited to take a breath of fresh air.

Outside, he walked throughout the familiar nearby streets for a while before finding a small adjoining street on the other side of the road that he had never seen before. Past the houses, a brick wall marked the dead end. But what caught Magikeith's eyes was the fact that the whole middle section was vertically open out like a door. There were a variety of plants on the other end...but they looked nothing like the regular plants dotted around the area. Because of the recent rainfall, there was no one outside. Magikeith looked around before dashing to the wall to investigate. It had been a long time since something interesting happened, according to his standards, so he jumped at the chance to go on a new adventure. Who knows where it would lead? He cautiously stepped through the door nonetheless.

He was amazed to find himself in a completely different world, a lush garden filled with exuberant, colorful, exotic plants, plump fruits boasting their sweet, juicy taste. He stood there for a whole minute or two, just admiring the scenery, a different side of Mother Nature that he had never seen before. He was so mesmerized that he didn't notice that there was no exit behind him anymore. When he finally did regain his senses though, he saw how the fields stretched endlessly in every direction. The bright sun in the pure blue sky shone directly in his eyes. He tilted the tip of his cap to block some of the sunlight. More aware of his surroundings, it became obvious that he wasn't the only person in the room. If you could even call the other a person. It was a huge glob of green slime with an assortment of vegetables sliding inside. It reminded Magikeith of the disgusting jelly-like lunch his school served.

"Welcome to my garden," it rumbled. Magikeith had to turn away as the strong stench of its foul mouth reached his nose.

"Could you, like, not talk for a while?" he grimaced, forgetting his manners.

"How rude of you, when you have trespassed onto MY garden." The slime glob started to slowly slide forward, but stopped at seeing Magikeith's outstretched hand.

"Please, that- that distance is fine."

"Very well."

To Magikeith's relief, the slime glob didn't move any further.

"Again, welcome to my wonderful garden. What have you come here for? You may ask for a singular power of my plants."

Magikeith contemplated its offer. After a while, he decided what to ask for. "Ooh, do you have a plant that can heal injuries?"

"Yes, look to my right and, you see that purple one with the petals turned outward and a glowing light from within?" Magikeith turned his head to the right. "MY right."

"Right," Magikeith said, before turning left. "Uh, no pun intended."

The slime glob sighed. "Whatever. You see the flower?" Magikeith nodded his head. "If you want it, you'll have to pay a price."

"What is it?" the singer groaned, knowing that this was coming after reading tons of action comics.

"You have to sing the chorus of Nasty Girl." The slime glob grinned evilly, a disturbing image that would be sure to give Magikeith a nightmare that night.

"...Uh, I don't know that song," Magikeith stammered. He really had never heard of it before. 

"You know, Nasty Girl? By Nitty?" Magikeith shook his head. The slime blob sighed. Without lifting a finger, or even moving himself really, a song started playing in the background. And sadly enough, Magikeith recognized the song. He had made fun of his friend at school for listening to it. Maybe this was karma's revenge. The song fastforwarded to the main chorus. "Sing!" the slime blob bellowed. The singer sighed. Sure, he was passionate about music, but this...singing for a disgusting pile of green goo, for a healing plant? He didn't have any injuries currently anyway.

"Sorry, I think I'll just leave," he chuckled awkwardly. The slime blob tsked at him and lifted his slimy limb, which had previously been part of him until he separated it from his figure, to point behind the human. Magikeith turned around and saw the brick wall he had entered through. In stark contrast to this strange world, the sky in the real world was covered by clouds once again and rain threatened to soil the ground.

"Some adventure that was," Magikeith grumbled to himself, upset that it turned to be disgusting and boring as well. Once on the other end of the wall, he looked back to check on the door and found it shut tight. He felt along the rough texture of the bricks, trying to trace over the edges of the frame, but the portal was gone without a trace. It started to drizzle. Disappointed, Magikeith started running back home so he wouldn't be stuck outside when the rain got heavier.

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