Chapter 11 - Pocket Watch

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"You're out for a walk when you notice something strange glinting in the bushes. You investigate and find an old, ornate pocket watch. As you open it, you hear a whispering voice. "Find me." What do you do?"

Suuuuuuuper short but whatever it'll get continued later that's why.


Deo Nearest was taking a walk in the park when he sensed something out of place. He looked to his left to find an object glinting from behind a bush. Curious, he searched through the thicket and found an old, ornate pocket watch. He picked it up and inspected every inch of it.

"Yes, this could sell for quite a lot," he grinned.

Suddenly the pocket watch started floating in the air. DN wasn't even using his powers.

He scanned the area for another demon, annoyed. There were only a few normal civilians, none of them looking his way. He had put a temporary invisibility spell over himself so that he wouldn't be bombarded by his adoring fans.

The pocket watch disappeared in a burst of pink light, which would have blinded DN if he wasn't wearing his trademark sunglasses.

"Find me," a voice whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. DN was starting to get tired of this trickster. He almost shouted "Show yourself, you coward!" out loud, but thought better of it, knowing that would blow his cover. Instead, he decided his next task would be to find that pocket watch, no matter what it took.

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