Chapter 19.3 - Corruption

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I'm sorry, but even this chapter has 3-4 separate parts...look at the table of contents and you'll see what I mean.

Right on cue, Skod and Psump could hear the pitter-patter of rain drops falling outside, heavy but quiet enough to keep the humans asleep.

"Aren't there any leaks in this place?" Skod blurted out.

"Of course there are, you fool," the Lemon Demon snapped.

"Then why is there no-"

"Don't ask unnecessary questions! Focus on the task at hand."

"Yeah, Skod," Psump retorted, happy to one-up his friend.

"I'm curious to see how you two will change the weather," the Lemon Demon mused. "Don't worry, I'll give you some help."

The wheel collapsed into a pile of pink ashes that exploded to reveal the pink mist encased inside, now freely whisping around the air, twirling and crossing until they formed something of a ribbon knot. Then a heavy claw, blue blood splattered on the edges, slashed through mist and the bow broke apart, shimmering from the middle to the sides into more dust, which again evaporated. A huge monster made of wood and stone, pink mist fuming from his tough, metal jaw, surrounded by the airy material. That same blue blood ran lines from his mouth to his neck to the his insides, dripping from his sharp teeth. And he had that dangerous glint in his eyes, one that the Lemon Demon had added specifically after what he had seen in Benjamin's mindscape. The Hallowen-loving duo was taken away by the wondrous transformation.

"This is another illusion of mine. I call him, the king of lightning!" the creator of the monstrosity said. "Or simply the hate monster."

"Woah..." Psump gasped.

"Amazing! The king of lightning is before us!" Skod cheered.

"I...make...light-ning," the hate monster breathed, his voice rough and low, barely intelligible, "i-if you...give...te-ars...and...batte-battery, a-an-d I...make...lightning."

Seeing his henchmen's confused expressions, the Lemon Demon let out a tired sigh. "Do I really have to spell it out for you? If you want him to make lighting, give him the tears of the main victim and a battery, dead, used, alive, new, whatever. Just something that used to hold electricity."

"Psump, I think you should go get the tears from the blue-haired guy, his scary friend might recognize me..." Skod chuckled nervously.

"Then, I expect you to be ready to search the entire "scary" mansion for a single battery," said Psump, not missing a beat. The Lemon Demon appreciated how the kids were always ready for action.

"I hope my entertainment tonight does not disappoint me," he rumbled, setting enough fear in the friends' hearts to quickly disperse and carry out the mission.

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