Chapter 16 - Ruby Red

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"The reason Benjamin doesn't have a sister anymore."

Woof, this got heavy...


That dangerous crimson gleam in his parents' eyes. Red ruby pearls of blood. Benjamin had grown to hate and fear it. Whenever he saw it sparkle from a distance, he knew he was screwed big time. There was no escaping his parents' wrath when they directed their anger towards them, and Benjamin felt weak and useless because he couldn't escape or fight back. That's what they called him anyway.

Benjamin used to have a little sister. Her name was Cherry. He still remembers her bright smile and naturally bubbly nature, adoring her big brother. She was the whole world to Benjamin, so of course he made sure to take care of her and protect her from their evil parents. He made sure to keep both of them outside of the house as much as he could.

But one day, while walking on the streets, they were ambushed. Gunshots. Shouting. Sirens. It was all nothing but a buzz of noise to him as he stared, horrified, at the limp body in his hands, blood gushing out like a waterfall, staining his favorite sweater.

Without even uttering her last words, Cherry disappeared that night.


And it was then that Benjamin understood why his parents kept him close. To protect him, to keep him safe from the world who was only out to hurt him. And so he complied with whatever the devils asked of him. He would wake up every night screaming for Cherry to run, though all this did was cause a racket and make his parents even more grouchy with their beauty sleep ruined.

Now that Benjamin was older, he was still haunted by Cherry, but not so much out of fear. When he imagined her kind face, it was only associated with happy memories, save for the dark event of her death. Now he heard her telling him to run. Run away from the demons that controlled him. But Benjamin felt he was so deep in, he wouldn't be able to get out.

That is, until a certain red-head in a dark green hoodie, his sweet smile hidden behind a black mask, notorious for his beautiful graffiti art, took Benjamin's hand and pulled him out of the deep hole. Together, they were able to run. And although Benjamin couldn't quite forget about Cherry, or what years of pain and torture had done to him, he knew he could count on Picon.

In fact, he was the only person Benjamin could trust.

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