Sidestory 1 - Reunite

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"You're a hacker who's just broken into the mainframe of a powerful corporation. You're looking for evidence of their illegal activities, but you know the security team is hot on your trail. Suddenly, you hear a voice behind you. 'You shouldn't have come here,' it says. You turn to see a woman in a sleek black jumpsuit, holding a gun. She's the head of security, and she's not afraid of you. What do you do?"

Bro, I forgot about the prompt again...but hey, funkin' city rewind mod gets a happy ending...for now.

This is actually a bonus chapter, 'cause originally I planned to write for MN (Mia Nearest, neo MM). But it still coexists with the main plots, so don't skip the sidestories.


Reth was waiting patiently at the old oak tree at the park. It was dark outside and he was starting to feel cold. But the wait would be worth it, he was sure, because his ex had called him here, the handsome man he had been chasing again for almost a year now. He didn't see a shadowed figure hiding in the tree above him, aiming his gun straight at the back of Reth's head. The assassin's fingers slowly reached to the trigger, ready to pull it when...he hesitated. Again.

Rewind sighed. "Ah...I can't do this. I'm calling the deal off."

He quietly jumped out of the tree and rounded to Reth's position to appear like he had just arrived. Reth's eyes lit up the moment he saw him, making his heart break a little.

"Reco! It's been too long!"

Reco looked away. He couldn't kill this target, no matter what. He was setting such a bad example for his little brother.

"H-hi Reth..."

Sensing his hesitation, Reth held in his urge to grab his ex and never let go and said, "Reco? What's wrong?" He had missed the feeling of the cute name rolling along his tongue. "You finally see your boyfriend again, and...not even a hug?"

Reco didn't like this at all. He felt disappointed in himself. He wanted Reth, but...he had to kill him somehow. He couldn't break his streak now.

"How I about I treat you to dinner at Mamma Mia's, hmm?" Reth offered, with a warm smile.

"He remembered that's my favorite," Reco thought, a small blush forming on his cheeks. That was when Reco gave in. Reth was the only person he could trust, whom he could love and be certain the other would love him back.

"Yeah, sure," Reco said casually, trying to hide his own grin. It was like colorful fireworks had exploded in Reth's mind as his eyes showed a myriad of beautiful emotions only Reco had learned to comprehend. "And then, a rap battle, for old times' sake?"

Reth thought about it. "Of course," he said.

They never said it outright, but they both knew they were finally back together again. Reco would just have to inform his disappointed customer that the deal was off.

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