Chapter 19.2 - Nothing but a game

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Skod and Psump gaped in shock at the huge wheel the Lemon Demon pulled out.

"This," the evil entity grinned maniacally, "is the wheel of misfortune."

It was an illusion, but after his Spookeez ghosts had beaten the singer and his accomplice twice, he had used those soul emotions and was just able to make his illusion almost physical.

"Spin it and see which of all 16 tortures shall be chosen for the humans."

"They shouldn't have stepped foot in here," Psump smirked.

"Well? Who's going first?"

Skod and Psump both looked at each other. "It's only fair you go ahead, I already went for the paintbrush and...failed," Skod winced, stepping back. Psump gladly stepped forward, lifting his hand dramatically and thrashing it down on the side of the wheel, letting it spin around and around at a fast pace, so much so that the little pictures on each section were blurring together. The wheel slowly came to a stop, the dial at the top clicking past slice after slice until...

"Ah, red 14." A picture of the Lemon Demon's lemon head rolled into the middle, the dial pointing there. He paused, watching with glee how his new lackeys paid close attention, begging with their eyes for him to continue. These kids were a lot more obedient than the Spookeez, that was for sure. But that's what the demon had loved about the singers. Love? Hah, he had never known love his entire life and despised it as one of the world's most uncontrollable forces, though far weaker than the dark side.

"This means skip your turn." The Lemon Demon chuckled as Psump realized what that meant.

"What? You made a skip your turn piece? Seriously?"

Skod couldn't stop laughing at his friend's misery, which earned him a light punch in the shoulder.

"Well then, Skod, why don't you give the wheel a try?" The Lemon Demon tried to hide his smile, knowing what was coming next.

"Of course. Unlike the pumpkin here, I've got gaming skill," Skod winked, pushing Psump back to spin the wheel with equal voracity. Around and around it spun once again, making him dizzy. The dial stopped on yet another headshot of the Lemon Demon's classic killer smile, but the slice was green with tiny yellow dots along the edges.

"10, green," the Lemon Demon mused. "That means it's my turn now."

"W-what? I knew it! You were cheating!" Psump yelled, pointing an accusatory finger at the monster.

"Don't you know its rude to point?"

"It's also rude to steal," Skod mumbled, but a quick jolt of pure fear had him fallen completely under the spell again.

The Lemon Demon's arm, a shadow detached from its surface, lightly tipped the edge of the wheel forward. The wheel slowly spun, so slowly that the Halloween duo were about to die of curiosity.

"Ugh, come on!" Skod whined as the huge spinner slowly came to a stop. After a few more agonizing seconds of waiting, the dial ended up pointing to a lightning bolt.

"Make it rain," the Lemon Demon grinned darkly. "With lightning, and thunder. I've seen the blue boy's worst fears."

"Ooh, I like where this is going," said Psump.

"And I know he has a deathly fear of thunder," the monster continued.

" can we control the weather?" Skod asked.

At that, their leader scoffed. "Figure it out."

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