Chapter 19.32 - Electric, pt. 2

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The hate monster felt electricity course through his root veins, building up pressure, his pink mist fizzling into bubbles as the roaring flame continued to grow in size and power.

"Don't tear a whole in my roof. Get him outside, now!" the Lemon Demon commanded. Psump used his small dark magic spell from earlier to forge a connection to the hate monster by holding his hand. Skod did the same while holding his other hand, and the three of them ran to the exit. They knew the front part of the mansion much better than the humans, that was for sure. They got to the door in a matter of minutes, while the humans were only getting to the nearest hill.

"Now," the Lemon Demon hissed, his chilling voice enough fuel to set off the explosion. The king of lightning's flames shot up in the air in a blast of magic, making a hole in the clouds above. Skod and Psump worked together to form a magical barrier hiding the peculiar sight from the humans. The downpour got heavier. Light flashed inside the dark, gray clouds, striking the earth with a loud boom. Skod and Psump could see the painter having a meltdown, while the dangerous thug tried desperately to hide him from the rain, from the thunder, from all of his problems in the world. But he was merely human - there was no way for them to escape the Lemon Demon once they had been chosen as targets.

Skod, Psump, and the hate monster ran inside so they wouldn't get soaked and so they could hide in the darkness while waiting for the humans to come back. And come back they did, forced to take shelter in the abandoned mansion. The singer felt like he was back home almost, with the amount of heartattacks he had been given that night - the rebel was angry at himself for not being able to protect his boyfriend. Skod and Psump did a high-five and turned to the hate monster to admire his work, but he was gone. The wondrous illusion had fizzled away, leaving a small puddle of bubbling liquid, almost like the contents of a shaken soda can.

"Now, wasn't that fun?" the Lemon Demon maniacally laughed.

The Halloween duo looked at each other before simultaneously replying, "Yes!"

"Then come along, boys.

"Our fun doesn't stop here."

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