Chapter 19.41 - Break Free

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Damn I wasn't expecting such a grande finale.

The humans were now fully awake, huddled together for warmth, as the rain shower had severely decreased the temperature outside. With all the gaps in the crumbling wooden walls, the cold air was flowing into the abandoned building like their own personal air conditioner. They didn't appreciate this free appliance though. At this point, Benjamin was wondering why he had run away from home - anything was better than this current situation. Picon had felt on edge since the first time they had entered the mansion a few days ago. There was something wrong with the hideout, a strange feeling he couldn't place. Two creepy kids, one of them wearing a mask, going after them for some reason? And then a sudden lightning storm? Picon hugged Benjamin closer, able to do nothing but to wish it all away.

"They're awake. Perfect," Psump chuckled, spying on the humans from behind a wall. Skod was right beside him.

"Hey Psump, before we do this..."


"Have you noticed what's...happening with you? Like, you've kinda changed colors..."

Psump looked down at himself, his cheerful mood still present. "Huh. Interesting. Have you checked a mirror lately?" He turned around to continue looking at the humans.

Skod faced the mirror on the wall in front of him. It was incredibly old, the glass chipped, cracks along the edges, dust smudging its once-clear frame, but Skod could still see his own reflection. It was like someone had forced a mask over his head without his consent, his smile a bright pink smile with jagged edges like a jack-o'-lantern's, thought glowing with dark magic rather than by candelight, bright pink x's where his round eyes used to be. For some reason, he felt like laughing at himself. He didn't know why, but something about the new look was so...appealing. Attractive. Enchanting.

"Let's go. Masks on," said Psump.

"I'm already wearing one," Skod thought, a thought that was quickly pushed out by the controlling spell over him.

The Halloween duo slipped their spooky halloween masks over their faces. Then they jumped out, screaming boo at the exact same time. The targeted painter screamed yet again before another wave of sobs racked his body. This time, Picon was beyond angry. But he couldn't do anything because he had left his weapons at the train station. Instead, he pulled his trembling boyfriend impossibly closer, aiming his graffiti can at the intruders again.

"I'll get green, you get blue," Psump muttered, his voice barely audible over the pounding rain and lightning. Skod nodded, understanding the plan, getting in a stance. Picon was starting to worry, but he tried not to let it show, swallowing hard.

"Go," the Lemon Demon whispered, and on his cue the two kids ran at an alarmingly fast speed towards the humans. Picon shoved Benjamin behind himself to protect him, blindly spraying his can and hoping for the best. He could easily beat the two kids in a fair fight, but the same voice that warned him about the mansion told him that these two weren't regular humans. Not anymore. He noticed their strange complexity of dark, neo colors, only their smiles glowing in the darkness of the room, lit by the moon and the storm through the cracks in the walls. The Halloween duo emerged from the cloud of purple, unfazed, mere moments away from reaching their targets.

"W-what the hell!" Picon shouted as he felt a four rough claws grab his forehead. He couldn't form concious thoughts anymore. His entire brain faded to nothing but a complicated pattern of black and purple swirls, its only purpose to confuse him. It felt like he had stopped breathing, that time itself had stopped, and that it was only him in the entire, world, universe, galaxy, the entirety of life. That he was all alone. But he wasn't alone. There should- there used to be someone here. He knows there once was someone here. Where did that someone go? Why had they left him in a dark place like this? He tried to remember their name, but the word sounded all wrong and was left stuck in his throat. "S-softie?" he finally managed to croak, but the deafening silence continued. His voice had held no sound either.

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