Character Information, pt. 2

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Grace Gearen/Gigi - Soft GF, soft mod

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Grace Gearen/Gigi - Soft GF, soft mod

Family is close friends with the Fairests, unrequited love for Benjamin, but that's her parents' fault, best friends with Andrea. Real name is Grace Gearen, stage name is Gigi or GG. I'm willing to give her a chance, and then I end up writing her as a prissy princess, so too late for her.

 I'm willing to give her a chance, and then I end up writing her as a prissy princess, so too late for her

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Marilyn Fairest/Spotlight - Soft MM, soft mod

Frank's wife, Benjamin's mother, used to be Cherry's mother. Old friends with MN, family is close friends with the Gearens, kind of knows the Kindreds. We all know what a evil witch demon she is. Real name is Marilyn Fairest, stage name is Spotlight, which happens to be her most popular song.

 Real name is Marilyn Fairest, stage name is Spotlight, which happens to be her most popular song

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Reth - Funkin' city rewind BF, funkin' city rewind mod

Currently Reco's ex, but their relationship is ever-changing, friends with Andrea. Kind of just lives off the street, Andrea's nice enough to give him food. Loves battling random street thugs and winning, really likes his hat, has committed murder (more than once). And he might be as psychotic as Reco. Like, falling in love with a hitman? Big red flag. I personally don't mind though. Also, one of the hottest multiverse BFs if you ask me.

More characters will be added as they are introduced in the story

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More characters will be added as they are introduced in the story.

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