Chapter 21.2 - Dark Red, pt. 1

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So, I planned to write more and publish it all together, but then I remembered I haven't posted a chapter in months, so I decided to just put this part for now. It's really short, but I've got a good plan for ch. 21.2...I don't really like how this part turned out (like, this is the style I would use if I was writing...a report for school, it's pretty boring), my writing style remains ever-changing.

And yeah, the title is based on Steve Lacy's song.



Reth woke up with a jolt at the sudden loud sound, his eyes snapping open. Right in front of his face was another's, grinning childishly.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!"

Reth's brain was still reeling from the shock of waking up to this. He shook his head and propped himself up on his elbows to get a better look at the intruder. He was...rather strange. He was clearly a hybrid, though Reth didn't know what breed. His skin was mostly red with a slight undertone of purple. His hair, coloured similarly, was spiked backwards. He was wearing a red hoodie with white drawstrings and maroon shorts. But what confused Reth most was that the man was glitching. The lines of his silhouette seemed to blur together in flashes of green, yellow, pink, and red, quicker than Reth's eyes could follow. The man was sitting on his knees beside Reth. Despite his strange appearance, the man had his brightest smile on. Reth could feel the energy radiating from him. He thought back to the cruel owner of the time machine. What had he said? They were...different versions of themselves, from different worlds? What a load of bullcrap. Could this guy fall under the same category? He didn't look anything like Reth.

The intruder clenched his teeth as he smiled, trying to give Reth an opportunity to first. Reth decided he would be the first to ask the inevitable. He clicked his tongue.

"Who are you?" The man's eyes widened as he realized it was his turn to speak again.

He opened his mouth to take a deep breath, and then said, "Hi there! My name's Red, and-" Before he could finish, his body started to glitch violently, his whole form like a broken satellite TV without a signal, closing together in static lines. He kept repeating the first syllable of "and", unable to continue his speech. Sparks of electricity flew from the technical mess. Reth scrambled back as far as he could until he bumped into the wall of his makeshift house, watching as Red's shape became more and more scrunched before finally closing out of existence with a blinding white flash and what sounded like a camera's picture click. Reth stared at where the strange pixel hybrid had once been, dumbfounded. If he thought his life had been flipped upside-down when he fell in love with a hitman, he didn't want to see what would happen with the addition of a time machine and its many trade-offs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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