Chapter 5 - Illusions

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"Write a story about a character who discovers a hidden talent or skill they never knew they had."

Isn't it funny that I named neo Lemon Demon "Illusion"?


The Lemon Demon was incredibly bored inside his ancient prison. Just as he was about to escape, of course some nasty heroes had to hold him back! Now he'd have to wait until next year, and find some lackeys to collect sad soul emotions for him too. He doubted his decision to kill the Spookeez. They were the most useful subjects he'd ever taken advantage of.

Suddenly he heard a few quiet voices talking to each other, so he stayed silent and hidden in the shadows. Two humans appeared. One of them looked similar to the annoying brat who had defeated him, with the same blue hair, but he seemed to have no confidence at all and had the attire of a painter. His friend was wearing a green hoodie and a black mask, so the Lemon Demon couldn't get a good look at him. He was holding a can of spray paint. The evil entity listened in on their conversation:

"I don't know about this place, Picon..." Keith 2.0 whispered.

"Well, you got a better place to hide?" Picon argued.


The Lemon Demon wondered who or what they were hiding from. He started thinking about how he could maybe put these two to use like his old pumpkin and skeleton friends- wait, friends? No no no, the Lemon Demon was not friends with them. He merely used them, is what he told himself. For his own selfish uses.

Just as he was imagining their childish grins, an illusion of the halloween-loving duo appeared, almost like ghosts to the Lemon Demon, but it appeared as real as ever to the humans.

"Hi misters!" the Spookeez said in unison.

Keith 2.0 was scared out of his mind. Picon just stared at them, confused. Before the Lemon Demon knew it, Keith 2.0 was in a rap battle with the Spookeez. "This guy can sing too?" he grumbled. He really was just like Keith. He knew that this new human would be his next enemy, but he couldn't do anything in this state. Well, there was one thing. Apparently he could make illusions if his mental picture was strong enough, and he had never known he could do this before, especially while he was still trapped in his prison.

After the Spookeez and Keith 2.0 had gone through two rounds, the Lemon Demon decided to mess with the blue-haired boy. In the human's mindscape, the Lemon Demon planted an evil monster that haunted him with his worst fears. The Lemon Demon found that this monster represented his parents' love for him. The Lemon Demon was curious to find out more, but he decided to do that another time.

Keith 2.0 was forced to battle against the hate monster. The Lemon Demon tried to make the hate monster impossible to beat. If he could kill Keith 2.0 in his mindscape, he'd die from mental insanity out of his mind too. But in the end, of course, the timid artist ended up winning. In the real world he had lost conciousness throughout the battle. He woke up to Picon hovering over him, warm and welcoming. The Lemon Demon had figured by now that the two humans had something going on between them - love, or something like that - and frankly, he absolutely despised the very thought of it. He was done toying around with these humans. He felt humiliated that his hate monster was beaten so easily. The Spookeez illusion disappeared with the other.

Then the humans said they were going to spend the night in that dark, abandoned place because they had nowhere else to go. The Lemon Demon inwardly let out a groan. It was going to be annoying to unwillingly have to host two humans in his home. But maybe he could have some fun with them during the night. He cackled to himself as he came up with a plan. It had been a long time since he had laughed so much.

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