Chapter 12 - Secret Organization

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"You receive an invitation to a secret society. The letter promises power, wealth, and knowledge beyond your wildest dreams. But there's a catch - you must complete a task to prove your worth. The task is to retrieve a rare artifact from a long-abandoned mansion on the outskirts of town. Do you accept the invitation and risk your life for the reward?"

Self-made this gif and it's literally so smooth 👌.


Pomp read the letter over and over again. This couldn't be real. He pinched himself and winced in pain. Yup, this was definitely real.

"Sked!" he shouted.

Sked, who was in the bathroom, quickly washed his hands and ran to the living room. He was over at Pomp's house for a Friday movie night.

"Look at what came in the mail!"

The letter said:

"This is an invitation to a secret society known as B.H.BF.D.M.G."

"What kind of name is thi-"

"Just read it!" said Pomp excitedly.

"We promise you power, wealth, and knowledge beyond your wildest dreams. But there's a catch - you must complete a task to prove your worth. See, one of our members has lost their pet cat, a stray he took in, and even though he's been nothing but trouble, look for the furry monster in the outskirts of town near the abandoned mansion. That's where the owner was walking him before he suddenly disappeared. Uh, if it helps, he's a blondie, but for cats. Like, his fur's kinda yellow, but it's turned brown with all the dirt."

Sked was equally as excited. "This is crazy! We can join a secret organization?!"

"I know!" Pomp squealed. "Let's go find the cat!"

Sked and Pomp lived in a neighborhood near the edges of the city limits, so the abandoned mansion wasn't too far. It was dark outside, and the building looked spookier than ever.

"Hey, maybe this was a bad idea..." Sked whimpered.

"You're backing out now?" Pomp scoffed, forcefully pushing the battered door open. Sked hurried after him, not wanting to be left alone in the dark.

The mansion was huge, and if it had some light and wasn't a decrepit old ruin, it would be an amazing sight to see. Pomp confidently pushed on, looking through every room, while Sked was still a little scared. He jumped at every small noise, and Pomp was starting to get tired of this.

"I didn't know you were such a scaredy-cat!" he snapped. "For a guy who loves Halloween, you can't even handle a little venture in the dark? Your suit freaking glows!"

"Barely! Your glowy eyes probably have nocturnal vision!" Sked yelled back. He was getting angry as well.

The two got into a heated argument that was starting to escalate fast. They didn't notice a white figure sneaking up behind them.

"Boo," it whispered.

The Spookneoz stopped talking and slowly turned their heads towards the voice. And there it was, a ghost cat floating in the air! Pomp and Sked looked at each other before screaming and running outside. Sked couldn't tell all the hallways apart, but Pomp had a good sense of direction and led them both to the front doors. Once they were a safe distance away from the mansion, Sked looked back to see if the ghost cat was there. It had stopped chasing them and was probably still inside the mansion.

"Pomp, I think we're safe," he gasped, winded from the long run.

They both stood still for a while, catching their breaths.

"Hey, you think that was the cat the letter talked about?" said Pomp, breaking the silence.

"...It might've been," Sked winced. "I don't think we're getting in that organization."

"Dang right you won't," said a voice from behind them.

Taken by surprise again, the Spookeneoz turned around to see six figures standing in a group, not much taller but still somehow looking down on them. The person in front, most likely the leader, was covered in black wrap head to toe, like a ninja, and his glasses with red lens covered his eyes.

He spoke again, "We are the organization that messaged you, and because you failed to retrieve the cat ALIVE, you cannot join us."

The Spookneoz noticed one of the members had tears in their eyes, hard to miss with his glitzy golden jacket, while another member comforted them. Maybe he was the owner of the cat.

"Aww man," Pomp sighed. "We came all this way for nothing."

"Hey, we can still go watch that movie," Sked offered with a grin.

The two friends started the long walk home. The secret organization watched them as they left.

"Looks like I was wrong, they weren't fit to be part of us," the leader sighed.

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