Chapter 7 - Another like me

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"How about a fun story about a character who accidentally becomes a viral sensation and learns to navigate their newfound fame?"

Don't ask me how, but I took this as a way to write how MM and DD met, and...I completely forgot about the prompt in the end 😅.

If only confessions were this easy 😮‍💨. Am I projecting? Nah, I'm too young for that 😮‍💨😮‍💨.


It was another tiring day at work. Scarletta Moore didn't exactly hate her job working at the mall, but she didn't love it either. Some days did have some sort of interesting event, but usually it was all the same. Selling products and enticing customers. She had learned a few skills on how trick the naive mind.

Just as Scarletta was about to close up the store, a customer walked in. He had purple skin and his hair formed small devil horns. Scarletta was surprised. Could this person be a demon, just like her?

The customer looked equally startled. Then his facial expression relaxed and he strode in confidently, despite seeing Scarletta get her key ring to lock the doors.

"Uh, we're closing," she said, ignoring the man.

"Hey, hot stuff..."

Before he could finish, Scarletta had grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer, smashing her lips against his. The kiss was over as soon as it had began.

"There, happy now?" Scarletta sighed. She quickly turned around and walked to the glass doors, hoping the man hadn't seen the blush spreading across her face. What if someone had caught them? And why did she do that? Hopefully the man would just leave and spare her the embarassment.

But instead of leaving, he said, "Why...did you do that?"

" were going to, weren't you?" Scarletta replied after hesitating.

"Yeah, because you're-"

"Just like me." The two finished in perfect unison.

"You know how uncommon it is to find someone with glinting red eyes these days?" Scarletta chuckled, becoming more comfortable with the stranger.

"Exactly. So..." the man turned away, "...will you be my girlfriend?"

Scarletta knew this was coming, yet she still struggled to find an answer. Tons of guys had confessed to her tons of times, all of their eyes trained on her perfect hourglass figure, and she had rejected them every time. So why was this man any different?

Scarletta decided to trust her heart and said, "Yes, and you can call me Scarletta."

The man's eyes lit up after realizing the girl had returned his feelings.

"And you can call me Luis," he winked.

The two engaged in light conversation for a while before Scarletta remembered she had to close the store. Once they stepped out of the store, she locked the glass doors behind them. The new lovers exchanged numbers. Then Luis left, waving goodbye to his girlfriend.

Scarletta tried not to show it, but her heart was racing with excitement and anxiety. This wasn't her first time in a relationship, but her past had been filled with break-ups and a lot of toxicity, with people only after her perfect curves. She hoped her relationship with Luis wouldn't end that way.

When she soon got a text from an unknown number with an emoji winking and sticking out its tongue, she was sure this man would be different from the rest.

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