Chapter 18 - Missed Chance

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"A situation where MF and FF are enemies rather than lovers."

An AU where Marilyn and Frank don't end up together.

I love how you can see has no nose in this picture XD.


"Ugh, why are you here!" the college students yelled at the same time.

"I'm part of the nature club dimwit, like you'd ever understand," Marilyn scoffed, crossing her arms.

"...I'm in the nature club too, dumbass," Frank smirked, trying to hide his smile.

"This is just great! You just had to ruin the one thing I had to myself and be better then me yet again!" Marilyn rambled on as she moved to get a trash bag from the supervisor. When he was out of her line of sight, Frank let out a loud sigh. The truth was, he had a small- okay, HUGE, crush on the bluenette. The reason the two always fought was because they were the top best students in the entire school, and competed to see who could win. But it always came in close, with one of them first on the leaderboard with the other at a close second. They could never agree who was better, and always struggled to beat the other. Frank wished Marilyn would return his feelings, but it was obvious all she wanted was for him to disappear from the face of earth and never come back.

He let out another sigh before walking to go grab his own trash bag. The nature club was currently at the beach to pick up trash blown around after the strong storm that had continued for the past four days. Marilyn made a point of staying far away from Frank, much to his dismay. Thinking of the day he would confess always gave him nightmares. Imagine what Marilyn would think of him then. A weakling who deserved to be at the bottom of the leaderboard so she could move on ahead.

After filling up two bags worth of plastic and paper garbage, he went to the cooler the club had brought along to take a break and eat some snacks. He took a can of soda and guzzled it down, his throat parched from staying in the heat all day. He looked around at the results of everyone's hard work. The beach was almost spotless. Almost. Except for an ugly stain that no one could remove, and that was Bradford, chatting up HIS lady. Well, Marilyn absolutely despised Frank, but he didn't want to think about that. She even had the audacity to kiss Bradford's cheek right in front of Frank. The man of unrequited love crushed his empty soda can with as much force as Marilyn had used to crush his heart. The can crumpled into a ball of crinkled aluminium. Frank threw it in a new trash bag so he wouldn't litter, ironically. He should have seen it coming. Marilyn had been hanging around this douchebag a lot more commonly recently. It was hard to catch her alone anymore, not that Marilyn would have bothered to share even a few words with her worst enemy.

"It could have been different," Frank seethed. "If only," he slammed the cooler shut, "I had told you earlier."

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