Chapter 19.32 - Electric, pt. 1

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"God, these hallways are so confusing..." Skod whimpered, slowly walking along the long, dusty, red carpet, its floral pattern long since faded. He hated to admit it, but he was completely lost. He knew how to go back to the underspace of the stairway - all he had to do was become one with the shadows and backtrack to the origin. The problem was, he had no idea where to find a battery. Hyped up for the mission, he had ran through a doorway missing its door without thinking. "I wish I had Psump with me..."

Suddenly, he heard a faint sizzling noise. At first, Skod froze, but after realizing it wasn't an enemy coming after him, he walked towards the sound, a little faster, wanting nothing but to get out of this creepy corridor. And to start a storm outside, of course. When the noise got loud enough so that Skod could tell he was right next to the source, blue light shining under the door, he cautiously turned the knob and entered that room, only peeking his head in. It wasn't a room. In fact, it was a closet with multiple shelves, dark and dusty, no trace of light. Skod tried not to scream at the amount of spiders and other bugs hidden on every surface. There were also large black specks that had a similar aura to the Lemon Demon, but much weaker. The sight of them calmed the young boy a bit. Skod noticed a single battery near a cluster of these black specks. A crazy coincidence? Was this the Lemon Demon's doing? It must have been him. Relieved to finally be able to get back to the safety of the stairway's underspace, Skod snatched the battery from the still specks with a smile, whispering a soft "thank you" before running down the way he came.

"Took you long enough," Psump grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah? Next time you try searching a huge-ass mansion for one single battery," said Skod defensively.

"You don't know what I did to get those tears."

"You don't know what I had to go through in those twisted hallways!"

"Shut up and fork over the battery!" the Lemon Demon screeched, causing the two to jump. "Didn't you say the humans are leaving? We must keep them contained!"

"The humans are leaving?" Skod thought, but dropped the battery in the hate monster's sharp claws without questioning it. He also didn't question how Psump was completely dark purple, how there were several pink rings around his small dotted eyes, how his fingertips had pink paint splashed on them, almost like the essence of the hate monster's blood, how his teeth, highlighted the same bright pink, formed a sharp smile that sent shivers down Skod's spine. He trusted the Lemon Demon, and he figured this was all his doing. He looked down at his own hands. His nails, grown into claws. His fingertips, pale red blood splattered - highlighted pink. The skin, a deep purple, almost black, practically translucent.

"Who have we become?" It was a small voice in his head, but those four words echoed through his mind. "Who have we become?" His lips ghosted over the words, though the Lemon Demon heard him. The monster took strong control of Skod once again, taking out all self-doubt.

"I know who I've become," thought Skod. "I've become more stronger and powerful than I would have before I met my leader."

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