🧑‍🎤 FNF music 🎤

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I have a lot of playlists to organize my liked songs and downloads in Spotify. One of these playlists (just one) holds all the FNF music I've liked so far, more to be added? And so, because I want to take a small break from writing, here are all the songs. And I guess, a picture for the album 'cause...why not?

Don't question the emoji classifying system.



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Original FNF

1. Bopeebo 😈

2. Fresh 😈

3. Pico 🔫

4. Satin Panties 🚝

5. High 🚝

6. Eggnog 🎄

7. Tutorial - Instrumental ❤️🎵

8. Bopeebo - Instrumental 😈🎵

9. Fresh - Instrumental 😈🎵

10. Pico - Instrumental 🔫🎵

11. High - Instrumental 🚝🎵

12. Satin Panties - Instrumental 🚝🎵

13. Eggnog - Instrumental 🎄🎵

14. Gettin' Freaky 🎤

25. Philly Nice 🔫

26. Philly Nice - Instrumental 🔫🎵

 Philly Nice - Instrumental 🔫🎵

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Neo mod, week 1 (revamped)

15. Neo Bopeebo 🌃😈

 Neo Bopeebo 🌃😈

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