Chapter 14 - Murder Case

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"You're a detective tasked with solving a murder case. The victim is a wealthy businessman with many enemies, but the suspect list is long and motives are unclear. As you investigate, you discover a hidden safe in the victim's office. Inside, you find a cryptic message that leads you to a mysterious location. What's the message, and where does it lead you?"

Kind of went off track with this one, uh, forget about the hidden safe. Ooh, all the stories are starting to form a plot~

And I know Whitty isn't supposed to be here, but he appears in the actual neo mod, so I had to.


"What is it now?" Neco sighed, rolling his eyes. Whitty had screamed at him to come to his office again, probably to get him a cup of coffee or some other simple task his boss was too lazy to do.

"Be more serious! We've gotten word of a murder case."

Neco's bored expression turned dark. "Who's the victim?"

"Wealthy businessman. Lots of enemies, lots of suspects, unclear motives. It's almost a lost case. You used to be a detective, right?"

Neco nodded his head.

"Take a break from Project Hallucination. Solve the case."

Neco didn't respond with words. He quietely got up from his seat and left the office, and Whitty knew he was on the job. Neco put on his jacket and left the warehouse to go to his car. He planned to drive to the crime site right away and start searching for clues. He was a top class detective, and didn't believe in lost cases. He sat in the driver's seat and closed the door. Just as he was about to start the engine, he heard his phone ping. Even though he was on an incredibly tight schedule, he checked the message and recognized the number. Over years of being a detective and spying on a monster for a while, he had trained himself to have an amazing memory. It was Kira's. The murder case wasn't his top priority anymore. He immediately opened the messages app. The text said:

"It's Neitho...he's not his usual self..."

Another one popped up seconds later:

"I think hes gonna kill me"

Neco waited for more information, but none came. It was a risky move, but he texted back, saying:


It took a while, but Kira finally replied:


Could the murder case and Neo's corruption be related?

"We should've taken care of the situation earlier!" Neco shouted into the car as he slammed the accelerator and sped towards Kira's house. He made a quick call to his team, yelling to come to the given address ASAP. Things were about to get strange. And Neco hated to admit that the chances of them being corrupted were much higher than 50/50.

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