Chapter 20.12 - Professor Sheldrake's rooms

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All Grace remembered was driving deep into the mountains before everything faded to darkness. When she gained awareness of her surroundings, she found herself in a room. But something was different. The world had turned white, with nothing but blue pencil sketches that formed every piece of furniture. An old, lavish house in the old ages of England was what she first thought of. Mia stood over her, looking not in the slightest bit as worried as Grace. In fact, she looked more annoyed.

"About time. Was the warp really that much for you? I suppose I've just grown used to it by now. You're only a child. But so was she."

"Can you just stop with the riddles!" Grace yelled, jumping up. "Just tell me clearly, where the heck are we and where is Golden? Where is my love potion? WHERE IS MY BENJAMIN!"

"Woah, calm down!"

Grace had grabbed Mia's jacket. She let go with a sigh.

There was an old regal sofa, a chair with the same style on the other end of the room; a rounded table placed high above the floor by its tall stand, in front of the sofa, with a piece of paper placed on top, neat cursive writing scrawled on it; a rug that ran from one wall to three fourths of the rest of the room; a lamp, near the staircase leading into shadows, the way from which they had entered; a hectagonal mirror hung on the wall - a painting hung near the chair. But all of it was drawn. Even herself, even the older demon. None of it tangible, an element of reality yet almost as transparent as one's imagination. Grace felt dizzy just looking at the blank walls with small blue diamonds running along them.

"Where's potion, then..."

"We are in Professor Sheldrake's room. I don't have to explain her to you. She would have been marked a historical figure, if her era hadn't descended with her. Listen, I have to explain the rules. The Forever Labyrinth is an infinite maze with only one definite spot, and that is the Source. But the Figure resides there, and a monster is sure to trap you in a room that will crumble in on you. It's become unstable after...the last." Mia adjusted her jacket. "Remember, the paintings are not clues, but keys. They are the doors to new rooms, and your entryway to death - an eternal future trapped here, until you are driven to madness." Mia noticed Grace's fearful eyes and sighed. "Do not be scared. I'll be with you. I have experience. But even I cannot ever predict the path of the maze. Shall we get going then? Stick close. We're going to the room of Seas." Mia tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and walked towards the mirror.

"Hey...what does that paper say?" asked Grace quietly, still in a bit of shock. Was she about to die in this place?

Mia groaned in exasperation. "That's not important. Don't fall for distractions like a fool. We cannot afford to steer off-track. Now, no time to waste." That formal tone. Grace was sure she would never get used to it. She watched curiously as Mia approached the mirror.

"Right this moment, it's just a mirror," Mia explained, "...but I know how to change that."

She put out her hand, revealing an intricately carved coin, almost shaped into a flower.

"A coin of Inspiration. The symbol of the maze."

Mia held out the coin, and the glass began to melt.

"Woah..." Grace stared in awe as the mirror started to bend reality, warping into itself. Then the mysterious ripples washed outward over the room. Grace felt like she was on the fastest metro train of the future, flying high above the clouds, before she found herself in another room. It looked almost exact to the other, but the rounded table was placed closer to the chair, the paper's size was bigger, there was a fireplace, and the painting held an Egyptian goddess instead of green and blue scenery. Mia walked over to the table and picked up the note.

"A lidded eye, always watching. Drawing water even when full," Mia read aloud, before putting the note down and letting out a long, loud sigh. "Here we go again." Grace timidly stood in the corner and watched Mia as she brought out her knapsack and dug through its contents. A knapsack? Where on earth had she gotten such a thing? Mia looked at the painting, then turned towards Grace.

"Should we follow the riddle, or try something a bit familiar? Search the known?" said Mia, with a wink.

"Uh..." Grace was at a loss for words.

"Okay, here. Hats, Eyes, Moons...? Or something new?"

"Uh...moons?" Grace blurted out.

"I guess..." Mia gave her a soft smile. "Don't be nervous, sweetheart," she laughed. "I guess the Forever Labyrinth is quite intimidating at first sight. Well then, let us travel to the room of Moons."

Grace blushed, embarassed. "Yeah...let's."

"Here we go again!" Mia cheered, finding the warping experience almost thrilling, while Grace was praying to whoever was listening throughout the journey.

The door opened, and they went through...into a place similar, yet not the same.

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