Chapter 20.2 - Satin Date

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We all (I) needed a break from those crazy Forever Labyrinth chapters. So here we are, back to the short chapters. Because the climax might get strangely heavy again. And this chapter is so, incredibly short.

Also, Gigi is Grace and Illumina is Mia, if it wasn't clear.


The crowd was practically screaming for Gigi and Illumina as they walked onto the stage, dressed in their fabulous stage outfits.

"I hope all of you are ready! I brought a special guest with me!" Gigi spoke into her microphone, which made the crowd go nuts. Mia grinned to herself. This was the perfect way for her to gain more popularity. Going back to the Forever Labyrinth had sure been worth it. And of course, the wads of cash Marilyn handed her weren't so bad either.

The two singers started sing "Satin Date", a song they had created together the previous day after their little art adventure. Their voices harmoniously intertwined to create a beautiful melody that the audience listened to with rapt attention, shouting and cheering without a break. After the song was over, their fans burst into applause with more whistling and cheers. Gigi scanned the crowd for the familiar head of blue hair, but Benjamin was nowhere to be seen. Gigi had been hoping Benjamin would come, and this broke her a heart a bit, but she quickly convinced herself that didn't matter, not when she would get to see Benjamin every day after tomorrow...

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