Chapter 21.1 - It's you or me, pt. 3

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A short chapter...with a cliffhanger?

"...I mean, I guess I am," Reco shrugged, looking up to the moon. "But, ah, I guess I should treasure you more, huh?"

Reth blinked twice in confusion. That wasn't...what Reco said last time...

Reth looked around and found himself at the exact same spot he had had that useless conversation with his boyfriend outside the drug company's warehouse. So this was the...third timeline? A timeline where Reco actually cooperated for once. That didn't explain the reason for the change in dialogue, but Reth chose not to question it. His head was still spinning a little from the time travel journey.

Reth continued to give Reco a blank stare before snapping out of his daze and saying, "You're really going to? ...Quit?"

Reco chuckled, running a hand through his wild orange hair. Without warning, he grabbed the collar of Reth's shirt and pulled him close.

"Hitmen can't have feelings," he hissed into Reth's ear. "But you make me act like this." Reth's mind was still trying to comprehend Reco's actions as Reco leaned back. "I'll quit, Reth," he smiled, his cover smile.

"So you'll stop killing people?" Reth blurted out, before slapping his hands over his mouth. That's not what Reco meant! What was he saying?

Reco only laughed in response. "Never," he breathed, widening his eyes and opening his fists out in Reth's face. "But I will quit the company. Just. For. You." He made sure to emphasize the last three words. And it worked, Reth did feel a bit guilty by now. At least he would end up with his happily ever after ending with his boyfriend...right? Oh yeah...he should probably tell Reco about the time machine, and the mysterious time-traveler who seems bent on fueling the drama in his life. Reth opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it. Imagine how Reco would react. He would probably laugh at first, and after realizing Reth was serious, he would shoot the crap out of his boyfriend before running to get the machine for himself.

So instead Reth settled with saying, "Good to hear then. I'm glad you finally listened for once."

Reco grinned, revealing his sharp canines. "It's getting late, Reth. Go home," he yawned, turning around and walking back to the warehouse. He was moving farther and farther away from Reth again, but Reth wasn't scared this time. Because he knew Reco would come back.

For now, he was finally happy with this future. Things were back to normal with that dread drug organization out the way. He was glad he hadn't needed to use the time machine again, because if he failed in the fourth timeline as well, he wouldn't get another chance.

The next day, however? Reth wasn't so lucky.

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