Chapter 20.1 - Love Potion

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I like messing around with this picture, there's so many possibilities. The last one was Grace, and this is Gigi. A metaphor?


"Again?" Mia grumbled as she drove to Marilyn's house once again, her friend claiming it was an emergency related to Benjamin. She had things to do, places to be, a whole singing career to uplift, but she put her friend before all that. As she pulled into the fancy driveway, Marilyn was waiting on the steps, just like last time, except for the fact that she was talking on the phone with someone. Mia parked her car and walked towards her friend. Marilyn noticed her and showed her hand, fingers oustretched - five more minutes. Or seconds.

"H-hey, I'm gonna have to call you back," she said, ending the call as if it wasn't important. Mia hoped it wasn't, or she'd never forgive herself for interrupting.

"Mi-mi! You were taking so long I thought you'd ditched me!" Marilyn squealed, as she always did, giving Mia a hug.

"Okay, what's wrong now?" Mia spoke after a few moments, pushing Marilyn off her.

"Oh! I need you to use your li'l demon powers and make a love potion for me!" said Marilyn excitedly, clasping her hands together. "Well, for Benjamin."

"Why? So he can love you and come back? I assume he ran away because he hates you guys."

A sharp ruby gleam flashed over Marilyn's eyes for just a second, but Mia caught it. Marilyn continued smiling. "The reason our little Benjamin ran off is because he was in love with rat, ugh. Blinded by false love. Even we can't figure out why he would choose him over Grace."


"You know, Gigi? Our families are close friends." Grace hadn't had a good stage name in mind, so she chose Gigi because of her initials, G.G.

"Oh, she performed last night?"

"Yup, her. She's the perfect match for Benjamin! His future wife! So if we had a love potion..." Marilyn raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

"...Benjamin would fall in love with Gi- Grace, and come back!" said Mia, figuring out her plan.

"Exactly! You should have guessed," Marilyn winked. " about it?"

"Well..." Mia thought about her offer. Creating a love potion was a simple task she could complete easily if she had the right ingredients...and a very detailed instruction book. This was her chance to get payment from her friend though. They were rich, and had a lot of money, but so was she, so she had to be creative and ask for something else.

After a while, she said, "Yeah, sure. But on a condition."

"Of course! What do you need?"

"I'll need the ingredients, which GRACE has to fetch." Mia didn't trust her friend to be able to tell the difference between a fresh banana and a rotten one. "And I get to duet with her in her next performance. Deal?"

"I don't have to do anything? Yeah deal!" Marilyn started acting like a child who had just seen candy and squeezed Mia with another hug.

"Ch-ch-choking, Marilyn," Mia gasped, panting for air as Marilyn let go with her sweet smile. The one she showed to the public.

"Come by tomorrow, and Grace'll be here for you two to talk things out. Just, I really miss my son." Marilyn pulled on her most desperate, soft face, which Mia fell for like the stupid, gullible idiot she was, according to Marilyn.

"I'll be here," Mia agreed, unable to say no to the popstar.

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