Chapter 2 - Kidnapped?

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"You stumble upon a mysterious shop in an alleyway. The sign above the door reads 'The Last Chance Emporium'. Inside, you find a collection of strange and wondrous objects. The owner, a peculiar old man, offers you a deal: choose one item, but be warned, it will come with a steep price. What do you choose, and what is the price you must pay?"

Yeah...I forgot to include the store whoopsies. My brain went alleyway = kidnapping this time.


After browsing the stores in the mall a thousand times over before giving up, a dejected Ruby with not a single shopping bag in her hand was walking through the city back home. She couldn't believe how cheap the stores were being. Not even one gucci bag or lululemon purse? Ruby let out a sigh.

She passed a dark alleyway in between two buildings. The crowd had dispersed and there weren't a lot of people or cars in the area. Too busy complaining about the mall in her mind, Ruby didn't notice as two hands slinked around her face and fell over her mouth, pulling her back into the alley. She tried to scream for help, but the man's grip was strong. Ruby even bit his arm, but the man didn't flinch.

After being dragged deep into the shadows of the alley, the man gave her a chance to breath, but still kept a strong arm on her shoulder, keeping her from escaping.

"What do you want from me?" Ruby cried, still struggling to get away.

"We need you to listen to us," the man grumbled.

Ruby finally opened her shut eyes to see her kidnapper. Well, he hadn't kidnapped her yet, only taken her into the alleyway. He was not as tall as she would have figured. His hair was jet black, slick with a whole tube of grease. He had a glass square scope-piece reaching over his left eye, tainted pink. His whole outfit seemed more futuristic. Ruby was interested in his clothes.

"Where did you get those? These stores are horrible for shopping and your clothes are...really cool!" Ruby laughed nervously as she spoke, but she was genuinly interested in the man's clothing.

The man let out a grunt and said, "Same mall. You just don't know where to look. And they don't sell men's clothing to women. Listen, we don't have time for this."

Ruby quirked an eyebrow, letting him continue, while trying to think of an opening to escape. 

"Your name is Kira, right?"

And this was Ruby's chance. She quickly shook her head, even laughing a bit as she replied, "What? No, that's not my name. I'm Ruby." She immediately regretted telling this stranger her name.

The man stayed silent for a while. Ruby was sweating from the heat and the tense atmosphere. Then he finally spoke again. "I knew you looked different. Sorry for wasting your time."

With another grumble, Ruby was harshly pushed back into the sunlit sidewalk and out of the shaded alleyway. When she looked back, she could only see patches of grass and weeds and a large dumpster with a scraggely old cat lying on it. The man was nowhere to be found.

"Whew, that was a close one!" Ruby mentally cheered, quickening her pace while walking to her house. Next time, she would be sure to take her car.

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