Chapter 20.5 - Remember

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Okay, yes, Picon's mask has a cross, not a skull, but...oh well, too late now.

Oh my god, chapters 15 - 20 have been for this couple (Grace was supposed to be the main character of ch. 20 lol), and I'm so glad they get a...temporary happy ending?


"Whew, we're finally safe...I think," Benjamin sighed in relief, leaning against the rock wall. Him and Pico had found a natural cove shaped under a hill. The rain had started again, but it was very light, and the cove stayed dry inside. Benjamin gave Picon a warm hug, glad his boyfriend was safe. Picon didn't return the hug. Instead, he stepped back, looking away with a nervous smile.

"Hey, hey, I get you're relieved and all that, but...uh...I'm not much of a hugger," he laughed nervously.

Benjamin gave him a confused look. He was assuming the worst in the back of his mind. "What are you talking about, Toughie?" he asked.

Picon furrowed his brows, then smiled in understanding. "Toughie? What, is that my new nickname?" he teased.

Benjamin also started chuckling nervously. "Baby, if this is some kind of joke..."

Picon looked surprised for a moment. His nervous smile turned into one of pity. Oh no. Benjamin recognized that look.

"Uh...I'm really sorry, Benjamin, but...I can't reciprocate your feelings," said Picon still refusing to meet Benjamin's eyes. Benjamin looked at him like he was crazy.

"Are you saying you want to breakup with me?" he said, trying to keep his voice calm, but he felt like screaming.

"What the hell? We weren't even dating before!" Picon blushed, stepping back. Benjamin's eyes widened in shock and terror as the realization sunk in.

"Did that kid...mess up your memory?" he said quietly.

"What kid?"

"Okay," Benjamin let out a sigh, "how much do you remember? What were just doing?"

Picon was very confused with the whole conversation. He decided to roll with it and answered, "Uh...we were just at an abandoned mansion, hiding from the rain, and your parents and all...but there were some creepy-ass thieves in there chasing us, like, they wanted to break our friendship or something? So...we ran out here."

This confirmed Benjamin's theory. "Who am you?" The words felt unnatural on his lips, a strange sense of deja vu.

"I know you want something more, but I'd prefer if we just...stayed friends," said Picon.

At this point, both the artists wanted to shrivel up and die. It was getting way too awkward for Picon, and Benjamin felt hurt to no end.

"How could you forget? About everything we've done together!" Benjamin shouted. "How could you forget about ME?!"

"Look, I- what are you-"

"We're through. We're done." Benjamin turned around and started walking to the end of the cove.

"Hey, Benjamin, it's still raining-"

"DON'T ever say that name EVER again," Benjamin snapped, making Picon jump. "And the rain has stopped."

Benjamin was sure he would always remember his last words to Picon from then on, as he walked away from the cove without a second glance. Picon stayed silent. He knew his friend needed to let off some steam, though he didn't know why.

Meanwhile, Benjamin was wondering what in the world he was going to do next. The one person he loved and trusted was gone from his life. He had call things off, and it wasn't even Picon's fault. He knew that, yet he still...Benjamin diverted his attention back to the present. "What's done is done," he thought, trying to stay strong.

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