004: ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜ

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Sami had only ever seen someone die once before.

It had been on the way to school. He was in trouble for having snuck out the night before. His Dad was okay with him going out, but not the sneaking around. He wanted to know where he was so he could keep him safe. So if he drank too much, he could call him. He hated that his son didn't tell him things.

Sami had been mad about it. He went by Sam at the time, only his father calling him Sami, and so hated being called it. Classic teenager. He loved the name Sami, now.

He knew it wasn't his fault. His Dad was paying attention to the road. He wasn't distracted by their argument. He never raised his voice, though Sami did. He knew everything that was happening. To the point that even when the truck was speeding towards them, he hit reverse and tried to get the car away.

But when a truck of that size is going at that speed, it can't be stopped or dodged. By the time you see it, you're dead.

And as Sami woke, crushed between twisted metal, blinking through the blood dripping into his eyes, he wished he'd been dead. No one should ever see their father and not know what's bits of him and what's bits of metal covered in blood. There wasn't even a body for the funeral.

He'd had a lot to work through after that. Not just physically, to get his legs moving and working again. The fact that he could walk was impossible, according to the doctors. But he was determined, and did his schoolwork from the hospital bed, did it around his appointments. He made sure he was someone his father would be proud of, even though he was proud of him before, too.

But the mental side of it was worse. Living without your father, living while he's not. Blaming yourself. Even just seeing the mess of the accident. He went to therapy, but stopped after they all practically told him how he should feel about it. 

That was the problem with therapists. They always said he shouldn't feel guilty, and that it wasn't his fault. And kept saying that even after he got himself to the point of knowing it wasn't his fault, and then they just made him feel guilty.

Amy was similar. If he'd been smart and not gotten kidnapped, maybe he could've been here to help her. To save her.

He crouched by her body, which Andrea was still holding, the next morning. The other body's were being cleaned up. The others wanted to take Amy, but Sami wanted to leave her for Andrea to take care of. If he could've held his father's body, he would have.

He held a screwdriver from Dale, and had asked Morales what he should say. "May I?"

Andrea didn't look at him. She didn't move for a good thirty seconds.

"They're lucky they sent you." She said, and lifted her head slightly.

He was quick. He placed the screwdriver at the back of her skull and stabbed upwards to the brain so she couldn't come back as a walker.

It made a sickening crunching sound, before Sami pulled it out and shoved it into his pocket so Andrea could see.

"Sorry." He stood, leaving her over her sister's body.

He walked over to Daryl, who tossed him a pickaxe. "Get them dead ones, make sure their down."

He ruffled Danny's hair as he passed him, and follow Daryl to the other bodies.

Danny sat on a log, looking at the pile of walkers on the fire. They didn't smell nice like the fish.

It was a few minutes later, when Sami was tossing another walker body on the fires, when he heard Jacqui.

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