036: ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴ

601 17 4


Rick wanted to drive at night, and take an alternate route to what Aaron gave them, though Aaron warned against it. According to him, him and his people had cleared his route. Next to no walkers, definitely no people. A safe passage. But Rick wanted to take the other route, in case of an ambush, and Sami agreed, though he hated travelling somewhere he didn't know, anyway.

They loaded up into the cars, Sami driving the RV, which had most of the group in it. Glenn, Michonne, Aaron, Sophie and Rick drove in the smaller car, leading them.

"This is true American music." Abraham said, from the passenger seat, feet up on the dash. He'd found a collection of CDs in the RV, and had been filtering through them. "Get that guitar bullshit outta your brain."

'Have You Ever Seen the Rain?' by Creedence Clearwater Revival began playing through the speakers, Abraham singing loudly to it and making Sami laugh.

"I wanna know!" He sang much too loud, and off key. "Have you ever seen the rain- the fuck?" He looked at Sami, who'd been singing it with him. "How the shit you know that?"

"My girlfriend liked it." He chuckled, thinking back to the first time he heard the song on the beach. "Her madre's name was Elaine. So, when she was a kid, she thought they were saying 'ever seen Elaine."

"You're fucking weird."

He chuckled. "I didn't know what the words meant, but I knew them. A few I worked out." He sighed. "I need - what, music? Again, I need music."

"If this is all this guys says, maybe we'll get you a CD player." Maggie smiled from her seat behind Abraham. "Walls would keep the walkers out."

He shrugged. "Need to do some serious hunting to find Soda Stereo."

Rosita shook her head. "My nephew liked them. We'll find you some CDs."

"I -hold on!"

He slammed on the brakes, as a large crowd of walkers appeared, the other car plowing through it.

There was lots of yelling from the group, but Sami ignored it, quickly putting the RV in reverse to get away from the walkers, before doing a two point turn, and speeding away from them.

"I'll head back!" He yelled, before the others could yell anything. "I'll circle around the walkers, get Judith and all the safety, then head back for the others, okay?"

"I'll go with you." Abraham said. "You'll need a group."

Sami shook his head. "that's not the problem right now."

"Turn right here." Rosita said, and he did as she said, before glancing back at her. "There's a few buildings on the map, maybe we can find someone to hole up, then head out."

He nodded. "Yeah. Okay. Everyone good with that?"

After getting agreement from the group, they found an an alleyway, parking the RV, as Abraham and Rosita jumped out to take down some walkers, and then they, Carol, Daryl and Sami made their way inside the building, making sure it was secure, before grabbing the map.

Before they could work out a route to get the others, Daryl called them from outside, saying he'd seen a flare.

So, Abraham, Daryl and Sami headed out after the flare.

"Could be his buddy." Sami said, as he climbed over a road barrier. "Or multiple buddy."

"Could be Rick." Daryl said. "They took his flare."

"No point picking at nose hairs'." Abraham said, resting his rifle on his shoulder. "We'll either see or we won't."

"Help!" A voice sounded, from near a water tower, as walkers stumbled towards them. "Help!"

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