082: ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀʟᴍ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ

138 5 0


Sami wanted to go with the others to Hilltop, but according to the others Sami was a crowd favorite, and would be missed too much. So, he was staying behind. 

Rachel pulled on her backpack, rubbing Dog as Connie walked over to the gate, where everyone was rounding up.

"Be safe." Her notebook said, as she held it up to Daryl.

Daryl nodded. "You, too."

She went to walk away, but he stopped her. 

"Do you think that you could, uh, feed my dog?"

She nodded, walking off with Dog, followed by Apollo.

Daryl turned back to Rachel, who was smirking.


She shrugged. "Just think she's way cooler than Leah."

"Stop." He hit her arm lightly, making her snort.

Michonne pulled away from a hug with Judith, looking at Sami. "Think you could keep an eye on her? I don't want her giving Jerry too much trouble."

He chuckled. "Yeah, sure. Could probably do with some more practice."

"Practice? Practice for what?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, just . . . you know. I'll tell you at Hilltop tomorrow."

She smiled. "Alright."

The group took off not long after that. Leaving Sami and Danny. 

The fair was nice. Rachel had actually found knitted teddy's, and had traded for one for Danny. She got a unicorn, thinking he'd be offended by it, but he'd been walking around with it ever since, more than happy with it. His first very own teddy.

Sami wanted to see Eugene in the dunk tank they'd organized last minute on the ride there, but missed it. Instead, he found Eugene messing with his radio. He told him of the parts he needed, and Sami went to see if he could trade for some of them.

"Earl said he can make a few things, if he need it." Sami said, as Rosita walked in. "But . . . I dunno, might need a . . . more dainty hand. Hey, Rosi."

She sat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder. "What're you guys doing?"

"Eugene came up with the idea to trade for parts we need." He looked at her. "What're you doing?'

"This whole 'growing a body in my body' thing is really taking it outta me. Was gonna have a nap, but heard you in here."

"Want some food? I can trade for some stuff. Think someone had coffee. Is caffeine okay to have while you're pregnant? I don't think it is."

"No. It severely disrupts embryo implantation and also disrupts ongoing midterm fetal growth and development, resulting in pregnancy loss, low birth weight, and impaired brain development in offspring." Eugene said, looking at Rosita from across the table.

"Alright. Thanks, man." Sami put the wire he was twisting together down. "What about juice?"

Rosita scoffed. "Juice?"

"Nadia makes this  . . . oh, I can't even describe it. But it's just  .. . brilliant. Like more natural coffee."

"Most are okay, yes." Eugene said. "Only make sure it has in fact been properly cleaned, cleansed and squashed, and that there are no bacterial nasties within them because if Rosita get's sick-"

"Yeah, I know." Sami kissed her head and stood. "I'll grab you some. And some food, I'd kill for some food. I have, actually, so I should shut up."

"Hey, wait." She put her hand on the side of his face, pulling him in for a kiss. He smiled against her lips, hand going to her hair.

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