015: ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪꜱᴏɴᴇʀꜱ

839 20 3


"It's gotta be the brain." Daryl muttered in the dark, as him and the rest of the group slowly made their way through the halls, shooting a walker in the head. "Not the stomach, not the heart. The brain."

"Like that?" Oscar, one of the prisoners, asked, as he stabbed a walker in the head.

"Or this?!" Red put a pipe through one's head.

"Stay in formation." Rick said, though they were technically backed against a wall. "No more of this prison riot crap."

Sami was making his way down the halls, when he heard a scream, seeing one of the prisoners, Big Tiny, screaming as a walker buried the bone of it's hand in his back.

Sami stabbed it in the head, right as three gunshots echoed through the hall, and he felt a slight air, almost as if things were slow motion for a moment, as a bullet shot through the walker and past his cheek, the second one missing the walker entirely and hitting Sami's shoulder, grazing it.

"¡Mierda!" He hissed, holding his hand tightly to his shoulder.

"You alright?" Rick appeared, pulling his hand from his shoulder.

He nodded. "Just a bad one."

"You sure?"

He nodded agian.

Rick turned to Long hair, Tomas, who was holding his gun up. "He's one of ours!"

"He got in the way." He argued. "Not my fault he's stumbling around in the dark."

"Said no guns." Daryl pushed past him, walking over to Sami with a piece of ripped, dirty cloth that he didn't want to ask about, which he tied tightly around his shoulder, making him grunt. "You're fine, calm down."

"I hardly made a sound! It stung!"

Rick turned Big Tiny around, checking the large gash on his back.

"I'm telling you, it's just a scratch, I can't feel anything." Big Tiny said.

Rick shook his head as the others walked over. "I'm sorry, man."

"I can keep fightin'!"

"You cut that - that old guy's leg off to save his life." The smallest one said, as he walked over.

"Look at where the bite is." Rick countered.

"Guys, I'm fine!" Big Tiny yelled, then shook his head, calming himself. "Just . . . I'm fine. Look at me. I'm not changing into one of those things."

"Look, man, there has to be something we can do." Red said.

Oscar nodded. "We could just lock him up."

"Quarantine him."

"We gotta do something!" The smallest said. "Why are you just standing there, we gotta do something!"

Rick shook his head. "There's nothing we can do."

"You son of a bitch."

Before he'd even finished, Big Tiny's body fell with a loud clang, almost hitting into, but he stepped back, missing it and hitting into Daryl instead, as Tomas held a bloody, small hammer, and crouched over Big Tiny, smashing his head to pieces, coating his face, the walls, and Sami's pants in blood.

 He stood up, glaring at them through his eyebrows, before stalking off.

"Ésta es una idea brillante. De verdad, hiciste cosas increíbles mientras estuve fuera durante diez malditos minutos." Sami said.

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