111: ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇꜱ ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ ᴅᴇᴇᴘ, ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ

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Rachel often wondered how she will die.

Will it be from a human, walker or animal? Will it be soon? Or does she have lots more people to lose, first? 

Will it be painful? Will she wish for it? Will she beg for her life? For her friends lives? Will she be okay with it, or will she want or it to just be done? 

And how much of 'her' would still be there? Was she to be tortured and killed? Or would she live so much longer than she became someone else entirely? 

Or, she thought, watching the walkers tear apart a body, would it creep over her shoulder now?

The horde was much worse when you were in in. As far as they could see, there were walkers. Bumping into your shoulder, stumbling all ways. Stinking. 

One had been moving differently, though, and both Daryl and Rachel caught it, but Daryl put himself in front of Rachel as the whisperer got closer. However, before he was close enough to hit, an arrow pierced his shoulder. It was from the archers in the windows, following Lydia's orders on who to shoot. 

And so, Rachel watched the man be torn apart and wondered if it was to be her fate. 

However, after several more screams from fallen Whisperers were heard around the horde, the walkers packed in tighter, making them harder to get through. 

Beta knew they were in there. 

Inside, Sami was running after Judith, who ran into the stairwell when they heard an explosion in there. 

When he reached her, he grabbed her, pulling her back, her face against him as he saw a whisperer climbing up the now damaged stairs, the whisperer crawling towards them, half his face burnt, several screws sticking into his body, three in his eye. 

More whisperers were climbing the stairs behind him, weapons in hand. 

"Come on, love, come on." Sami pulled Judith back inside, closing the door behind them and pushing a desk against the door. 

"They're coming up." Judith told the others as they ran in, and they joined Sami, too, in barricading the door. 

Dianne and the others rounded up their groups, and used Sami's rope to get down the elevator shaft. 

Sami saw Negan talking to a nervous looking Lydia, and shoved himself into Negan's chest, nocking him back.

"Lydia, try stay out of the Whisperers sight. Make sure you head down with one of the groups, okay?" 

She nodded, letting out a sigh. "Okay."

"You worried about Mom out there? Cause I sure as shit am." Negan asked, looking at Sami.

He glared at him. "Make yourself useful or fuck off, Negan. And leave Lydia alone."

"Alright, Dad."

Gabriel filled Daryl in over the walkie, as he reached the far side of the herd. Everyone made it across, and they were now getting the radios tied together, as Sami instructed. They didn't have any questions, Luke remembering everything that Sami told him. 

They evacuated people, most getting out, some staying behind to defend the others, hold the line so that the others had time to escape. 

Taylor, at some point, had appeared beside Sami, watching the barricaded door, shaking as the whisperers tried to get in. She had a bow in hand, as did Rachel from Oceanside and a girl Sami didn't know. Judith was there with Dog, and wouldn't leave until everyone else was out. 

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