005: ʟᴏꜱᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

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They headed to the Vatos, as Rick knew them. The people who took Sami hostage. They thought they'd take them in for the day. 

But all they found were walkers, eating the corpses outside.

Sami killed them. There were about fifteen of them. Rick raised his gun, as did the others, not caring about the noise, but Sami ran at them, yelling, with his knife, slicing and stabbing at each of them, until they were down not even a minute later.

He flicked his head, panting, to get his hair off his face. "Quiet."

He sounded livid.

He was. If the walkers got into the courtyard . . . 

He made his way over to the front door, the one entrance to the building, instantly seeing bloodied legs of someone in a hospital gown.

He made his way through the building, Lori looking after Danny with the other children while she and a few others barricaded the main door.

They were all dead. Bodies lay all around them, young and old, people Sami had seen, spoken to. He cleared them from the rooms upstairs, so they could stay there. 

"We're going to be okay." Rick was saying, as he walked into the room he'd been in when they found him, handing the knife back to Daryl.

"Do you mean it this time?" Carol asked, sitting on a chair with Sophia on her lap. "Or are you lying like all the times before?"

"That's not fair." Lori said, walking over to stand beside Sami. "And no help at all."

He looked around the room, at all the bodies. He felt horrible. How could they not fight the walkers off with all the guns they were given?

He sighed deeply, a small frown on his face. He didn't bother saying anything.

"They were overrun." Andrea said, causing both Daryl and Rachel to scoff. "Got something to say?"

"Yeah, how about observant?"

"Observant. Big word for you."

"If they were overrun by walkers, they'd still be here eatin' them, wouldn' they?" Rachel held her Pooh bear tightly. "And I don't think walkers can shoot people in the head."

Daryl nodded. "How'd the kid get it and you didn't? Someone attacked the place, took everything they wanted."

Sami held up the four inhalers he had found. "Esto es todo lo que pude encontrar. Estaban en la habitación del señor Gilbert."

"Yeah, whatever Sami said, he knows what I'm talkin' 'bout." Daryl looked at Andrea. "Get a dictionary, look it up. Observant."

They only found a can of peas to eat, but Danny and Carl had shoved lots of treats into their bags before they left, so they had a few small snacks. And Shane brought a bottle of whiskey. Of course.

Sami was sitting with Danny, who was between him and Glenn, who was dividing the food. Sophie was in the hall, along with Taylor, the pair talking about random stuff. Lori was beside Sami, again, with Carl. Rachel was sat between Daryl and Shane, since there was a small toy cot there that she was putting Pooh to sleep in.

Sami looked at the blood stain on the wall. Who'd do something like this? Who would murder innocent, sick people?

Danny slept that night, curled up into his side. Sami didn't sleep a wink.

They ditched two of the cars, syphoning the gas from the ones they left. Daryl took off on his bike, leading them. Sami was in Lori's car, keeping the kids entertained, Danny happy to be with them. Sami was just mad to be shoved in the very back of the car where his knees were practically on the ceiling.

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