118: ɴᴇɢᴀɴ

93 3 0


It was all going well, technically speaking. They stabbed the walkers in the head, they moved on. They had got pretty far in, when on of them got up. 

Of course, it went for Gage, which meant that he wasn't ready, and was almost bitten when Grace ran forward, pushing the walker off of Gage and into the wall.

Sami watched as she struggled to hold it back with her knee on it's chest, slowly sinking into the decaying flesh. 

Honestly, he'd have preferred to keep watching. but before he'd even realized it, Sami was pulling the walker from the wall, and slammed it back into it, making it fall to the ground, before Negan walked over and hit it in the head. For good measure. 

Everyone else stood, watching, though Maggie was a little closer, hand on her knife, watching Sami, who just walked past Negan and back over to stab walkers in the head. 

"Kick them if you think they're already dead." He said, stabbing a walker in the head. "Just to be sure."

"Kick them?" Negan questioned, making Sami stop and look at him, along with everyone else. "That's it? That's the new big plan?"

"We don't need a new plan. it was one walker."

Negan glared at him. "That kid almost died."

Daryl scoffed. "You don't give a shit about that kid."

"No, she doesn't give a shit. She has been playing dictator since we left. Not listening to me, not listening to him, hell, not even listening to you two." He gestured to Sami and Daryl. We don't even know if this tunnel has a way out. Whoever or whatever killed these rot bags could still be down here. Has that thought crossed anyone's mind?"

No one said anything.

"Exactly, it has. Which means this is a death march, and you are the goddamned pied Piper." He looked at Maggie. "Now, y'all wanna roll with that shit, that's fine. Knock yourselves out. But not me. Not today. I am out."

Gage glanced nervously at them, hesitating. "Me, too."

Alden looked at him. "What?"

"He's a dick, but he makes sense."

"Yeah, we shouldn't have come down here." One of the Hilltop's guards said.

Sami stood. "No. We're not splitting up. That's the shit that gets us killed."

"It's not up to you, dear old boy." Negan smirked. 

Agatha sighed. "Just let him go. He's supposed to be helping us, all he's doing is slowing us down."

"We can't." Maggie said.

Frost furrowed his eyebrows. "Why not?"

"We need him, he knows the city."

"Oh, is that why we're here?" Negan asked. "I-I am your DC Tour guide. What, does nobody here know how to read a goddamned map? I'll tell you why I'm here, Man-Tits. She brought me here to die. If we get through this, I'm not coming back. Neither is Grace. Maggie'll find a way, find a reason, she'll do it herself. away from the prying eyes of Alexandria. Here in the jungle."

No one said anything, and he walked forward.

"You know, I really thought you two were in on it." Negan walked towards Daryl and Sami. "I did. But I can tell by the glazed look in your eye you didn't have a clue. And you," Negan chuckled as he looked at Sami. "You're just glad someone else is doing it for you. You all want to put your lives in her hands? Her heads not even in the game, because I'm living in her head, rent-free. So, Maggie. Me dying on your terms. It ain't happening. So, what do you say? Let's just get her done. Right here. Right now. Because I am not going to let you drag me through the mud, filth and slime to put me down like a dog. Like Glenn was."

Sami punched him so hard, he heard a crack. And honestly thought that he may have killed him until he heard him groan.

Maggie walked forward, stepping in front of Sami before he could pelt him with another, and spoke plainly, voice even.

"We're down here because up top is death. We're moving fast because our kids are starving. And I'm calling the shots because that's how everyone voted. As for me killing you . . . " She raised her gun, leveling it at his head. "It's always on my mind. I"m not going to tell you that you're wrong about me, because you aren't. The woman who left six years ago is not the one standing over you now. But there's a little bit of her left in me, and that's the only thing keeping you breathing. But I don't know how long that's going to last. So keep pushing me, Negan. Please."

Negan shut up after that, and Joel noticed him arguing with Grace, but ignored them.

They continued stabbing the walkers, and Sami got his mind to a point of not thinking of anything but what he was doing. Or, tried to. His wrist felt light without his rosary beads. His entire body just feeling weird, not having that invisible string to someone in the room. He hated the thought that he might not ever feel it again, even if he gets home.

It was a few hours later when they came across a train. It was blocking the entire tunnel, meaning they'd have to find a way through it to get to the other side. But the door was closed. Probably rusted. 

Alden pointed his torch at the train, but it died, making him groan. "Need a battery swap. Gage?"

There was no answer. 


Looking back, the group saw the pair were gone. Completely. With their supplies. 

Joel clapped his hands together. "well, isn't that beautiful. Took all our supplies. Starving to death, running out of ammo and being torn apart. Take your pick, there's plenty."

"You." Grace turned to Negan, pointing an accusing finger, which seemed to take him by surprise. "You scared them off."

Daryl shushed them, and Grace was about to yell at him, when she heard it. 

Growling. Quiet, almost silent at first, but then louder. 

Coming from where they came.

Sami let out an angry grunt, and made his way back, as Daryl ordered the others around, and threw himself at the walkers, cutting off head after head, stabbing, cutting, slashing. 

Joel ran to the train, trying to get the rusted door open. But no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't budge. He took a crowbar from Frost, but that wouldn't work, either.

"Climb all the way up!" Grace ran over, blood over her face. Walkers were closing in, fast, even with the others fighting. 

Joel nodded, and did as she said, the others following behind him. 

The gap between the collapsed roof and the train were tiny, but he pushed his way through, and found a opening, which he climbed down, and dropped into the train. 

As Sami continued fighting, he heard a bark behind him, and saw Dog run down a small gap between the wall and the train, Daryl running after him despite Maggie's shouting. 

"I've got it. Go!" Sami ran past her and after Daryl, squeezing between the rock, and under the train. 


Y'all my day has been WEIRD! And it's gonna be like this until like friday so that's lovely

men are ridiculous AHHHHHHHHh

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