007: ʙᴀʙʏ ᴍɪɴᴇ

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Sami got up late the next day. 

He hadn't realized that somehow, Patricia and him were playing the guitar until a few hours before the sunrose. Meaning he  got up and hour after the sun, exhausted.

Taylor and Sophie were sitting on a set of chairs, looking out at the farmland. He walked over, sinking into a chair beside them in the area under the trees, where they'd set up their tents.

"You came in late last night." Taylor looked at him. "Not after Maggie Greene, are ya?"

He glanced at her. "Hm?"

"Oh, nothing." Sophie hit her. "She's being rude."

He hadn't seen them much since they got to the farm. They were out looking for Sophia every day, doing chores.

Danny was sat with Rachel and Carl on a picnic table, writing on his whiteboard to speak with them, very animated, his new puppy on the chair beside him. Beth said he could keep him.

Patrica and Beth appeared, looking at Sami from a nearby tree.

"Vuelvo enseguida."

He walked over to them, squinting in the sun.

"We want to join the others for gun practice." Beth said.

Gun practice. Want. "Si."

She shifted uncomfortably. "Can you ask for us? If we can go, I mean. Ask your people?"

He took the book out of his pocket. "Ask?"

"Um . . . " She flicked through the pages, before pointing to a word.

"Si, I, uh, ask Shane." He nodded.

"Thank you."

"Uh, Papa?"

Patricia nodded. "He doesn't like it, but said we could."

Sami made his way over to Shane, Jimmy (Beth's boyfriend), Rick and Glenn, who were over by the cars, and sneezed loudly, making them all jump.

"God, man!" Shane hissed. "That's damn loud."

Sami waved his hand at him dismissively. "Beth y Patricia. Uh, learn . . ." He pointed to the guns. 

"How to shoot?" Shane asked.

He nodded. Strange they were suddenly listening to him. 

Rick shook his head. "Hershel was very clear-"

"Hershel, dicho si."

Rick sighed. "I'll check with him."


Gun training was a pain.

Sami didn't like shooting. Sophie had never done it before. Taylor had, hated them. Rachel had shot before, and was damn good at it. Danny was let shoot by Sami, but didn't enjoy it. He wanted to fight walkers off like Sami did.

Sami stood at the end of the line along the fence with Danny, Andrea beside him. Cans and bottles sat attop the fence, far from the house so that it wouldn't bring walkers to the camp.

"Don't be discouraged. You'll hit the targe eventually." Shane said to her, walking over.

"Who said I didn't hit my target?" She pointed to a sign that said 'no trespassing', three holes in the 'o'.

Shane smirked, and looked at Sami, who was sitting on the ground beside Danny, helping him learn how to aim. "You not shootin', Sami?"

He glanced up at him, gesturing to the broken bottles he was meant to shoot. "Gone."

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