033: ᴍᴅ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛꜱ

534 13 1


Eugene wasn't dead, but he certainly looked it, laying on the road in front of the truck, blood covering his forehead and nose.

Abraham was a few meters behind the truck, unmoving, silent, staring into the distance. Sami was leaned against the side of the truck, beside Danny, who was sitting sideways inside so his legs were outside, having just explained everything to him, as Tara poured the last of the water from the tank into several plastic bottles.

"Bad news for MD GREATS." Tara said, writing letters on the top of the bottles. "We've just scraped the bottom of the water barrel."

Sami looked at her. "MD GREATS? What's that, a football team?"

"No." She gestured to the bottles of water with the first letter of each of their names on it. "It's us. Group name. Solidarity. Band of brothers. MD GREATS."

"I think SD GREATM is better, but okay."

"We'll get both tattooed on our knuckles." She tossed the 'D' bottle to Danny. "Sorry. Just trying to think of something else, you know?"

"Nothing to say sorry for." He took the bottle she handed him.

Maggie walked over, Glenn behind her from Eugene.

"Anything?" Tara asked, as Rosita walked over, too, though she was reading Sami's book at the back of the truck.

Maggie shook her head. "No."

they stood in silence for a moment, before Glenn spoke.

"Should we bring him to the church?"

Maggie shook her head. "Moving him could make him worse."

"What would make him better?" Rosita asked.

"Waking up. If he doesn't . . . "

Rosita nodded, and took the bottle with an 'A' on it, walking over to Abraham.

"I kind of don't like him." Sami said, looking over at the pair.

Tara shrugged. "He's going through a lot."

"So's Rosita. She shouldn't be going through it alone."

"We're all going through it." Maggie said, taking her own bottle. "This is a . . . big loss."

Rosita's voice got louder, and Abraham hit the bottle, making the water spew all over the ground, before she leaned down to talk with him.

"See what I mean?" Sami glanced back at Maggie. "It's what's happening, so you deal with it. It's not like someone died."

"Look at me!" Rosita yelled, and Abraham stood, puffing his chest out as he glared down at her.

Both Sami and Maggie had their guns out, fingers on the trigger, aimed at Abraham's head.

He turned to face them, but didn't say anything.

"Sit down or we'll put you down." Maggie said.

He stared at them, for a long time. Before turning back the way he was looking, and slowly getting to his previous position.

"Well." Tara cleared her throat. "What's next on the agenda?"

Maggie and Sami glanced at each other, then Rosita, who nodded, and they put their guns back.

"We need water." Glenn said, as they all made their way back over to them and away from Abraham.

"There's a creek up the road." Rosita said. "A few miles South-West of here."

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