131: ᴀᴍᴀᴢɪɴɢ ɢʀᴀᴄᴇ

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Grace was in their current bedroom - it was in a large apartment building, each apartment being used for another of their people- when it was raided by Stormtrooper like soldiers.

She managed to get most people to safety, and kill two of the soldiers sneaking around, slaughtering them, but she wasn't sure what was going on. Just that there were being attacked. 

As she snuck through the room, she the back of someone's head. Someone she didn't recognize. And held a gun to it.

"Oi, motherfucker, back off!" A tall boy, who she missed, held a gun up to her, but looked at the one at gunpoint not to shoot. He was probably early twenties, and was wearing a pair of shades, though his aim was true on her head. So, she ducked, hiding behind the boy in front of her, but keeping the bullet on him.

"We're here to help." The boy who wasn't at gunpoint said, looking at her clothes. He looked familiar, but she couldn't quite work it out. "Grace, right?"

Then it clicked. 

"Who's this?" She questioned, pressing the gun harder into the boy's back.

"Danny, obviously. Otherwise he'd of said something."

She instantly pulled the gun away, and sure enough Danny turned, his own gun raised on her. And as he took in who she was, a fury overtook his face. So strong, she thought she might be shot right there.

"Damn." As Negan walked in on one side, Maggie, Aaron, Lydia and Elijah came in the other side, all looking at them. "Looks like we've walked in on a family domestic. But come on. Let's put our shit back in our pants and zip up."

Danny looked at Maggie, and stopped for a moment, before lowering his gun.

Lydia looked at Negan, and shocked look on her face. "What are you doing here?"

"We live here." He glanced at Grace, then Danny.

"So, what now?" Joel asked, shades still on his face. "I mean, I could plough through them."

"No, you can't." Grace said. 

"They've still got Gabriel." Aaron glanced at them each.

Negan shook his head. "No, they don't. Come on."

He lead them through the rooms, and then through a hidden door in a closet. this had been where they'd hidden everyone they could save, including Gabriel, who hugged Maggie as she walked in.

Grace felt like she'd been hit by a truck. Too much was happening. 

First, it was normal. She and Negan went out hunting, like they always did. 

When they came back, they found a young boy running from the building, crying, covered in blood. He kept saying they didn't mean it. There was screaming and gunshots from inside their home. Bodies that had fallen from the roof lay on the ground. 

Negan sent the boy to Hilltop, and they split up inside, trying to save as many people as quickly and quietly as possible from the Stormtrooper like people, that apparently Gabriel and Aaron had been a part of. Apparently, Gabriel had been told that Grace and her people stole from the Stormtroopers. They hadn't.

So, Grace's people were now hiding in the hidden apartments, listening to their friends being murdered.

But there were a lot of people in this room. There was hope yet.

"Did your people steal their guns?" Maggie asked. "Hijack that convoy?"

Grace shook her head. "No."

"You sure about that?" Aaron asked.

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