027: ᴀ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ

586 14 4


"Surprised you're out here." Daryl walked over to Sami, squinting in the early morning sun in the courtyard, Michonne loading up bodies into a truck nearby.

"Maggie practically kicked me out." He smiled.

Tyreese looked at him. "How's your kid?"

"Danny? Respiración by himself." He crossed his arms, taking a deep breath. "He's gonna be fine. Just, seeing him like that . . . "

"Hey, he's a tough son of a bitch." Daryl hit Sami's arm. "He was always knew you were gonna help everyone in there."

"Then he puts too much trust in me."

Daryl glanced around. "You see Carol in there?"

He shook his head. "Haven't seen her anywhere, actually. I'm gonna help Hershel and Michonne. I owe Hershel everything, might as well lift a few bodies for him."

The drive with Michonne and Hershel to burn the bodies was honestly relaxing. Sami hadn't slept all night, and was exhausted, but he knew Danny was okay. Most of his people were okay. They'd get everything working, and it'd all be alright. Back how it was before, maybe a little dirtier.

"You know, other than all the mierda, this world wouldn't be so bad if it didn't tufo so bad."

Michonne glanced at him, as they burnt the bodies in the middle of the woods, now onto one of the last piles. "What does that mean?"

"Mierda - shit." Hershel crossed his arms, standing between them. "Tufo, I believe, is stink."

Sami nodded, looking at him. "Exactly. I'm so glad you're reading up on Spanish."

"Don't need to read to know what mierda means." Michonne laughed. "Don't think you've ever gone a day without saying it."

"That's true."

"Want to know my favorite word in Spanish?" Hershel asked. "Amor. Means love. I think 'amor' carries the feeling of the word better."

Sami smiled. "Me, too. Love is nice, but saying 'I amor you' . . . nothing beats it. The mix of English, though, it's different when you say 'I love you' in Spanish."

"How so?" Hershel looked at him.

"Te amo."

"Hey, Sami?" Michonne tapped his arm.


"After all you've done today and yesterday, I amor you. Does that make you feel better?"

His mouth dropped open. "Mi-chonne!"

"Don't make a big thing of it. You just deserve it today."

He put his hand to his chest. "But this is a big thing. I amor you both. Wow, that's wrong to say."

Hershel chuckled. "Te amo, Sami."


Sami didn't know when he was knocked out.

He also didn't know until he tasted blood in his mouth, sitting tied up in a RV, sitting beside Michonne, that he had bit a chunk of the Governor's hand off.

He didn't know how he was there, either. All he knew was that he woke up, saw a man's hand on Michonne, who looked angry about it, and that the man didn't have as much hand anymore.

Michonne was glaring at The Governor, as he held a tea towel to his hand.

"Not all just bark and no bite." He chuckled.

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