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Rick, Michonne, and Carl's run saw them bring back more guns than Rick had when they first met. Countless, along with so much ammo they had to build more tables in the communal area so that it could stay organised.

To buy them more time, they pretended to negotiate. Rick, Daryl and Hershel meeting up with the Governor while Sami and the rest stayed at the prison, preparing. They knew he wouldn't mean a word he said, but at least they knew he wouldn't attack while puffing his chest out to Rick.

Glenn and Maggie were on normal terms again, which meant that Sami was still pissed off at Glenn and had to talk to him about it. Merle was still there, and had tried to leave to kill the Governor during the talk, but Glenn wouldn't let him, and Maggie almost killing him stopping him.

When Rick came back, he announced they were going to war.

"It's the only way." He was saying to Daryl and Hershel outside the next day. Rachel had followed them out, curious. 

"You gotta tell them?" Daryl asked.

"Not until after."

"You gonna tell Sami?"

Rick shook his head. "He'd never let us. We have to do it today, we have to be quiet."

"You got a plan?"

"Tell her we need to talk. Away from the others - away from Sami."

He was quiet for a minute, and then shook his head. "It ain't just Sami, man. It ain't us."

"No." Hershel said. "No, it isn't."

Sami and Michonne had been up late every night in his cell, writing out plans to help against the Governor, usually falling asleep on each other's shoulders every night. Danny started to purposefully stay up later so he could turn off the light, and put a blanket on them.

They used the plans, putting out barbed wire so they couldn't drive into the yard, as well as just tire poppers along the roads leading to the prison, put more defenses up by the pallets, hiding ammo all around the prison in case someone got pinned.

With the weather getting colder, coats came back out, and Danny realized his was getting a little small. So, he gave it to Rachel and Beth gave him one of her old ones. It had flowers on the pockets, which he loved.

"Hey, you seen Merle?" Daryl walked over to Sami, as he fixed the doors Andrew had broken to let walkers in.

He shrugged, yanking the gate back into place, which proved difficult, as he padlocked a chain around it.

"Thanks. You know, for lettin' him in and all."

"I was more letting you in." Sami picked up his box of tools, setting them on the table as he looked for another padlock. "It felt everything went to shit when you left."

"I make sure he makes up for it. Apologizes to Glenn and that. There's gotta be a way. Just gotta be a little forgiveness is all."

Sami glanced at him. "Some what?"

"Like . . . I don't fuckin' know, letting bad things go? You do that shit."

He sighed. "No, I don't. I hold rencores for years. Still haven't perdonado my best friend for abandoning me as a kid when a ola hit when we were Carl's age. Pequeña mierda. But I care about you being here more than how much I hate Merle. Glenn hates him more than me."

He was quite for a moment. "He's not all bad. He's just . . . different side of the same coin with Danny, you know?"

Sami was really confused, then. He was probably talking about a metaphor. He hadn't quite grasped that.

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