014: ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴡᴇʟꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪꜱᴏɴ

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The others put on some of the old assault gear they took from the walkers, putting them in boiling water to get the goo off, but Sami and Daryl didn't. It was disgusting. Or, what's what Sami's excuse was. Honestly, he thought he'd look pretty stupid in it. Especially if he died. Not that he looked particularly magnificent day to day, but he thought a walker Sami in protective gear would  be pretty laughable.

While preparing to leave and clear the rest of the prison, Sami was thankful Danny was so sweet and gentle. Rick and Carl almost argued every day about Rick not letting Carl do something, and this was no exception. Danny was always happy to stay, to do as Sami said, even when he didn't want him to go. Rachel was similar. She just wanted to stay with Lori.

Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn, Hershel, Rick, Sophie, Maggie and Sami. Sophie still hated killing walkers and all, so Sami wanted to get her out of her comfort zone. He'd protect her, and send her back if she freaked out too much, but she could end up on her own in a matter of seconds. He wanted to make sure she could survive that. And, it seemed, so did she. She seemed happy he asked her to go.

The inner halls were dark, dirty. The odd small window let a tiny bit of light in, but it was too dusty for it to do anything. There were more cells, doors open, bodies shot and laying in the hallway. Sophie did the same as Sami - stood on the arm of each one, making sure they were definitely dead as they passed, though many of the bodies had next to nothing on the bones. So something was alive in here.

Glenn spray painted arrows on the wall so they'd find their way back, and Maggie held Sami's arm rather tightly, though it looked like they were just walking side by side. She had a bit of a fear of the dark, he'd discovered, though she was embarrassed about it. 

Since the farm, Maggie had probably become his best friend, as well as Glenn. They were the two main ones who spoke to him and helped him learn English, who explained the slang. Daryl didn't exactly help on purpose, he mostly grunted at Sami and communicated through his dramatic hand movements. But Maggie and Glenn were the only people in the group Sami could see himself being friends with before. Not the he wouldn't be friends with T-Dog or Lori, but he doubted they'd give him the time of day before the world ended.

The more corners they turned, the darker the halls got. The torches in their hands only did so much, expecially since the Maggie and Sami were holding theirs in the hands that were holding each other, so they couldn't see much.

It was about twenty minutes in that they found walkers.

Countless inmates, stumbling towards them in such small, dark confines that they couldn't dream of fighting them.

They began to run back the way they came, but with the walkers agressive growling, it drew more, cornering them but closing off exists.

Maggie was almost grabbed by several walkers, but she and Sami were still holding hands as they ran and he managed to pull her back into him, before running after the others.

Daryl led them through the halls, but then a group of walkers ran between them, and Maggie pulled Sami into a small closet, shutting the door, the walkers crowding around the outside.

"Shit." Maggie hissed.

"Just a minute." Sami said, as the banging continued. "I let some of them wander off, I can take the rest."

He was right. The group outside thinned as more followed Rick and the others, and he pulled the door open to about 6 walkers, kicking two of them back, Maggie running over and stabbing them both in the head as he stabbed two at once, before slicing the head off another as Maggie stabbed it.

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