125: ᴍʏ ꜰᴏʀɢɪᴠᴇɴᴇꜱꜱ

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When the sun rose, Sami had managed to down more reapers, and reach the main building, which had the largest roof, and the best sightlines. 

As he ran inside, a Reaper ran after him, Only for Sami to slam the large metal door on his arm, making him yell as it snapped, before he pushed the door open, stabbed the man in the head, and pulled his body inside. 

He heard a noise behind him as he shut the door again. 

He seemed to be in a makeshift church. Sami hadn't seen one in years, since the church in Alexandria became more of a hub of everything. There were hand painted tapestries on the wall that reminded him of early school years. The walls were painted red, and a stage was errected on the far side of the room, a large wooden cross upon it, several rows on chairs in front. 

An alter sat on the stage, too. Red curtains on either side, candles lit around a gold cross. 

But Sami was distracted by the man sitting in the front row. He was in black, like the other reapers, and held up a machete, though there was no way he could even throw it at Sami. 

"That's far enough." The man stood, machete out, as if it was a danger so far away. "Can't let you harm one of my flock."

Sami glanced at the body still in his arms, and pulled his knife out of the man's head, slowly, before dumping it aside. "Not to good at that, are you?"

Sami walked forward, as did the man, both of who were now standing on either side of the aisle. 

"I see it, in your eyes. You expect me to fear you. But I do not." The man spoke, still holding up the machete. "God has told me I have nothing to fear."

"He's right." Sami took a step towards him. He was still in pain, but he was used to it by now. And he had a drive to keep going. Make it up to Maggie. Get this shit done. "I'm not going to give you anything you don't deserve."

"Did God tell you that?" He questioned. "I speak to him, you know. I hear him."

"Hate to be the one to point this out, but you're hardly the good guy here. In my experience, God . . . dislikes the suffering of others. Killing people - I'm sure he'd have new rules for this new world. I'm sure I've broken them. But not like you and your people. I've never murdered someone in front of their children. Never slaughtered a town just to take it. Never left people homeless. I've always been given a reason. And I'll tell you now, sometimes it's not much of one, sometimes it's one I make up for myself. But I've had reasons. You? Your people? Slaughtering children? Mothers? Fathers? Daughters? Sons? Without reason?" Sami took more steps forward as he spoke, now being only two meters or so from the man. "You're just like me. You tell yourself your reason justifies what you do, but it doesn't. And God will be the first to tell you that, if you weren't already halfway to infierno."

"My role isn't to question. Just to listen and serve."

"Then who are you, really? If you don't just do good naturally, or fight your urges for wrong, and only do what you do because . . . a book or voice in your head says so, I believe you're just as bad as the worst of us."

"True faith requires doubt, and I have mine. Violence is not the path I'd take, but blood has been spilt in God's name for centuries. His will is unknown to us, all I can do is true in Him."

"And look where that got us." 

The man held up his machete, before placing it in his belt, holding his hands out almost like an offering. "You don't hear him anymore, do you?"

It was a strange question, because if asked any other day, Sami would say he never heard God. But thanks to speaking to his Mother in the woods, he was thinking of little Sami. And Little Sami used to speak to voices he believed were God. Looking back, he thinks if he wasn't raised so religiously, he'd probably tell his Papa and go to a doctor. But he just thought it was God. 

It was a nice memory, strangely. When he felt lonely, playing in the house while Papa was working, he'd speak to the voice, who'd play with him. If Papa was late with picking him up from school, he'd speak to the voice. 

But he also knew now that it was just an imaginary friend. Nothing more. Because the one time he asked for help, begging, screaming and crying as he looked at the sky, nothing came. 

"My people are better than yours, it's that simple."

"Is that your voice or His? Do you even listen anymore? He's here with us, right now. Asking you to hear him again. Will you? Or will you cut down a man he has placed in your path? The path of  peace is hard, but we can take the first steps together for both of our flocks. Take my hand." He held it out. "Allow yourself to be saved. No matter what any of us have done, none of us are above saving."

Sami hated that there was a tiny part of him that found it comforting. The child side of him. The boy who used to go to church and pray. Who hadn't heard the comforting voice of a priest for far too long. The voices that would accompany his Papa's. 

But Sami wasn't a kid, and hadn't been in a long time. He was Sami Garrido. And he was a sinner. There was no repenting. 

He grabbed the man's hand, and pulled him into the knife.

The man reached a hand up to Sami's face, but he raised his foot to his chest, kicking him off his knife. 

"Tell Him he'll have to beg for my forgiveness."

He stepped over the man's body, as he began to cough, and Sami felt the urge to do the same, but swallowed it, and made his way to the roof. 


YALL I wrote this chapter then accidently deleted it so I had to go back and exist quickly before it saved that it was deleted and then it said I couldn't leave so I had to close it super quick but I saved it and yay

Anyway, sorry this is short, I just felt it should cut here. Adios

Also, if you're religious, or not, don't let anything in this chapter sway or make you think anything you didn't think before. I've had a really weird experience with religion my entire life, and Sami is based off of me, really. I believe that if we try our best, and we are good, that whatever comes after (if there is anything) will understand. Considering the 'crying, screaming, begging' thing with Sami is an actual thing I went through as well, I believe that if there is a higher power, they would understand why I don't believe, because of that moment. 

All any of us can do is try our best, regardless of religion, and be kind. That's Sami and I's thing, and yeah. Don't let some random wattpad make you question anything. Your beliefs are fine, don't let Sami change them or make you feel like you're wrong. no one is. 

Also thank you for 16K!!

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