061: ɪ ᴀᴍ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ

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'We beat them, entire compound, two died. But half the Saviors surrendered, so we've got prisoners. They're being held outside the gates for now until we work somehting out. Well, Maggie. I'm heading to Alexandria to keep things moving.' ~sami

"We took the outpost bit by bit. We thought we won. We were gathered up in the open when they ambushed us. It was over in seconds. Eziekiel, Jerry and me, we're the only ones that made it back. ~ Carol

'The plan is working. We're doing this. We're winning. We had a hard fight. We lost people, brave people who gave their lives to make sure we won. By the time it was over, there weren't any Saviors left standing. All of it, it's scarier than I thought it'd be, but we're doing it. We have to. Sasha was first. And now, there's been more. The sacrifices are real. We need to make it right for them. The rest of the plans still a go. We're moving on to the next step. I'm headed there now. The Sanctuary is still surrounded. They're trapped, cut off from their supplies. Every hour that goes by, we're making them weaker. The lookouts are all around the compound. They open a door, we fire. But if they open a door, seems like they'd have bigger problems. We meet at Sanctuary in two days to end this, to win it all. It's not like we haven't fought before. We fought every step of the way to this place. To this moment. The path has led us here - to who we are, to each other, to now. And we're so close. This can be our last fight. ~ Rick

Sami gave the notes to Carl and Michonne when he got back to Alexandria, and brought Apollo for food and water. He'd had some while they were out, but he wanted to get him to sleep, so stuffing him usually did the trick, making him snooze for a few hours.

After getting him to sleep, Sami sat on the patio of the infirmary. He wasn't sure why. Maybe because Rosita was often there. Maybe because it gave him a good view of the lake and gate.

He sat, a horrible wanting in his stomach, a craving. He wasn't sure what for. It was all he could feel, really. An obsession that he should be somewhere, doing something. But what, he didn't know.

Maybe he was just impatient.

But why was his bathroom cabinet in his mind?

Carl walked over to him, a strange look on his face.

"Hey. You alright?" Sami looked at him.

He looked at him for a moment. "Are you? You're just sitting there doing nothing."

Sami shrugged. "Gotta wait until tonight. Nothing to do."

He nodded, slowly. "Can I tell you something? Two things, actually?"


He walked over, wincing slightly. "So, Rosita's back, but she left with Michonne for something a while ago. They told me to tell you, but . . . I wanted you here. And if you knew Rosita was out there, you'd have followed her."

Sami glanced at him. "Is she okay?"

He nodded.

"Then it's all good. Just tell me next time you want me to stay or go somewhere, I'll listen."

"Promise? You don't listen a lot."

"I listen to you, just not your Dad. So, yes, I promise. What was the other thing?"

Carl looked at him intently for a moment. Sami's mind went a billion miles an hour. He wanted to ask questions. But he didn't. He just waited.

"I've saved a man and put him in the sewers. He's not a Savior, but Dad'll kill him if he knows."

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