023: 30 ᴅᴀʏꜱ

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Sami made his way down to breakfast, yawning, hearing people greeting Daryl.

"Hey, Daryl, I was your best amigo first." He said, walking over to him in the courtyard, standing by the cooker with Carol in the undercover area, people already sitting at the picnic tables eating. "I get privileges."

He scoffed. "You ain't my best friend."

Sami looked at Carol, smile dropping. "Is he joking? I can't tell."

"We're all best friends. The three of us are like . . . Harry, Ron and Hermione or something." She smiled. "Well, until Sami picks a girl or two, then we'll be the famous five."

Sami rolled his eyes. "I've told you, Carol, I'm not getting with any girls."

"You should. They're all trying to practically crawl into your cell every night."

"If someone is near his cell at night, you should shoot 'em." Daryl licked his fingers. "Not tell him to get with 'em."

"Thanks, Daryl." Sami said.

"Not problem, prude."

"I think that was an insult."

The prison was looking great. After seven months, they had a good system. Crops and livestock in the yard that were tended to by Sophie, Carl and Rick, and fed the community well. The entire prison was clear, now, meaning they had plenty of room. Children had painted and drawn on the walls, Danny had gotten into gardening and flowers were in pots all over the prison. He'd go out with Sami, looking for flowers he liked to plant.

Sami didn't like Danny going out of the fences, but knew he should. He needed to remember the world wasn't entirely safe, and that Sami would protect him. Though, Danny was well able to protect himself, now, too.

Everyone had jobs, if they were able. Danny had started to just follow Carol around, help with odd jobs, as well as fence cleaning, which was stabbing walkers through the fence if they bunched up. Taylor was learning more about medicine from Doctor S and Hershel, and was getting really good at caring for their older patients. Sophie was tending to the crops and animals with Rick and Carl, while Rachel was too young to do much, so she helped with bits and pieces here and there, often following Daryl around when he was there.

Sami went and runs and helped organizing things. Against his wishes, Hershel and Rick got him on the council - the group of people who run the place. He hated it, but still did what he could. 

He loaded up a truck with gas and a few weapons, preparing for the run. It had been a spot him and Daryl scouted a few weeks prior and had been watching, coming up with the perfect plan to get in and out quick. The day before, Sami had gone out with Sasha and put a radio out to draw all the walkers out of the store they were heading to and down the street, making it easier for them.

Beth and her new boyfriend, Zach, were kissing nearby. Honestly, Sami wondered how anyone had any time for romance these days. Even with the prison being safe, he couldn't find himself making time to get to know someone, talk with them, all that. It would probably feel forced anyway.

"Like something out of a damn romance novel." Daryl muttered, walking over and putting a crate in the back of the truck.

"I hate romance novels." Sami yawned. "I tend to like them, actually, until they get together."

Daryl sniggered. "Wonder if you'll be the same. Like a girl until you get her."

"Like the chasing and not the having?" He shrugged. "A man of my el valor has never chased, Daryl, I've only ever been chased. And not realized it, cause I'm fucking dumb and just pretend to be up my own culo."

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