028: ꜰʀɪɢʜᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ

596 17 0


Danny woke to a stranger.

She had brown hair, in two ponytails. And was saying something, but he woke up so abruptly and jumped so harshly that his head was spinning and nothing made sense.

She was still talking when he worked out where he was - in the same spot Beth had hidden with Hershel when Lori died. He could see walkers, rubble and fire all around.

And no Sami. Where was he?

The gate opened, and the girl jumped, as Glenn walked in in riot gear, Apollo running past him and into Danny's arms.

He snatched the gun in her hand. "He's deaf. He can't hear you."

She looked up at him. "Oh. I was just trying to calm him."

"He's not going to be calm when you and your people just blew up his entire home."

He checked the clip, seeing it full.

"It's full. Did you even fire a shot?"

She shook her head. 

"Alright. let's go. Let's go!"

She didn't move. 

He crouched beside her. "You're just going to sit here, huh? Just gonna die?"

"What are you doing?"

"I need your help. "

He made a  Molotov cocktail, throwing it at a nearby car and attracting the walkers attention before pulling the gate shut again. 

He took her shoulder. "Alright - I need you to stay ahead of me, alright? Danny between us. I'll cover you, but I can't do it alone. Give Danny the knife, just in case."

She nodded, and the three of them ran out, shooting walkers that got too close.

Danny ignored the feelings in his chest that he knew weren't asthma, and ran after them, holding to Apollo's collar.

They didn't stop until they reached the road, Glenn giving him a piggy back when he heard him breathing too loud. He was still sick. Glenn was bigger, he'd deal with it.

Danny looked at the girl, and signed. 'Did you see any of our people?'

 She shook her head. "All I saw was my sister in that field. She wasn't supposed to be there. She had a gun, but they just swarmed her." She sobbed. "She wasn't supposed to be there, I did it for him. I trusted him. And then he just killed that old man."

Both Glenn and Danny stopped, Danny tilting her head as he looked at her.

"Hershel?" Glenn asked.

She didn't say anything.

"Was his name Hershel?"

She turned to them, crying as she nodded. "That's what the Spanish guy called him. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Sam-Sami?" Glenn almost cried, but saw Danny and held it back. "Did he survive?"

"I-I don't know." She sniffed. "I saw him crying. That man, Brian, he said you were bad people. I know it's not true. I-I can see it's not, so what we did - what I did . . . I mean, I'm a piece of shit. Why would you want my help?"

She turned, walking away.

"I don't want it, I need it." Glenn spoke, making her stop. "I have to find Maggie."

"Who's Maggie?"

"My wife. And our best friend, Danny's big brother Sami."

"How do you even know if they're still alive?"

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