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Kim taehyung a kind yet pretty boy was getting ready for his university's first
day he was nervous he is the only kid of rich ceo of korea so he is always with protocols but not proper love thats why he is kind of quiet and peace lover

He went down stairs and greet his parents "hello dad and mom good morning" he bows "so its your first day at university. Right?" He nods "study hard and stay away from troubles i dont need interruption in my work"

he nods and left without having breakfast his step mother is a famous designer and his real mother left him for another man he sometimes thinks that is he disgusted that no one likes him?

He sat in car and greets his driver "good morning Mr.lee how are you?" The driver smile "im fine dear how are you?" He said "Fine i guess" the driver said "oh my dear are you perhaps sad about your parents?" Taehyung nod "its ok my dear it'll be fine" taehyung nod and the rest of the drive was quiet

He was standing at the gate all fucked up he took a deep breath and enter in everyone stare at him from top to bottom he was already nervous now their gaze and whispers were making him more nervous girls started to drool over him as soon as he entered the corridor

"hey you are so handsome what is your name dream boy" campus most famous and rich girl asked him he just gave her a 'excuse me' look girl scoff "do i speak Spanish?" He said "No,its kim taehyung"
Girls jumped over his calm and deep voice

he tried to ignore all the stares and shouts went to search his department and class suddenly he heard someone using foul language loudly and rushing to his direction

so he turned getting curious only to get more amuse he sighs as that guy just punched a boy harshly when he did again taehyung got shocked why no one is blocking him?

The boy said "yah i told you not to make me repeat anything about that matter but what you did??" The other boy said "I'm really sorry yoongi idk that it'd happen" Brown-haired said

"ha why are you dumb or perhaps its your first time tell me you got heavy amount to betray us?" The boy shook vigorously "yoongi i didn't betray us" Brown-haired said "but you did boy" the boy again shook he was about to punch him

Tae interrupted "you can also sort your matter out without this harm to him" yoongi smirk "and who are you to tell me that" Brown-haired asked"human" he said and left

coz he knows that his word hold the authority to make him kind of gulity and yes it did Brown-haired roll his eyes and left the area without sparring a glance to that bitchy betrayer

At first period

He was sitting at the corner and a prefessor entered and students greet him and he smiles "how are you kids?" "Not fine sir we are sick of monday schedule phewws"

he just chuckled "well i cant help getting education isn't easy you have to sacrifice" he got interrupted as two of his bitchy students entered in all of their glory

The professor sighs "wow great" Brown-haired said "yeah i know we are great"He chuckles "go and sit fast" they just did 'what are they?'

His thoughts were interrupted when professor named him "you are kim taehyung right" he nods everyone turn to him including those bitches "come on its your first day introduce urself to them"

He nods and come up to stage "my name is kim taehyung" professor said "just?" He nods with confusion as he thought he cant just spill everything about himself today right now right? Also he doesn't want to get involved with these fake people girls said"hey come on handsome say more"

He just went to his seat girls gasped Brown-haired smirked "he got pretty yet cool personality "The boy next to him asked "why are you smirking?" He just shook "in the morning he interrupted me and surprisingly i listened to him so i was just mesmerized jungkook he is pretty" jungkook nod as he also admit his beauty

At break

Yoongi saw that pretty boy sitting alone in his own daze he took his lunch and sat infront of him and giving him most fakest smile ever "hi" Brown-haired said "hi" he greets back "oh so you do reply to someone as in the classroom you just ignore those pick me girls"

"what do u expect me to say on their compliments?" Yoongi smirked in amusement "you got nerves to talk back roughly" taehyung just stood and left

Suga roll his eyes and put his chopsticks on table alil harshly jungkook also came "hey whats wrong?" Brown-haired just shrug it off "aren't u getting interested in him?" Raven-haired asked "tell me aren't u?" "huh?" Raven-haired confusingly asked "Whatever" jungkook nods

He was waiting for his driver he checks his wrist watch and sigh a boy approach him "hey want a ride?" Taehyung just shook and he swore when he looks at him he felt a current pass through his nerves because his eyes held a deep oceans his grey hairs just tempted the shit out of his devil

"c'mon don't be so rude" Grey-haired just ignore him the poke his tongue and roll his eyes "you are possessed by your vulnerable beauty isn't it?" And grey-haired felt a pang in his heart coz he is pretty vulnerable

Raven-haired was watching the scene and ho got curious alil what does that boy said to that newbie which twisted his facial expression? He felt angry knowing that it must be something hurtful he shrugs his thoughts off 'why is he getting interested about that pretty boy?'

Soon grey-haired went and jeon min too at room raven-haired was starring at the ceiling thinking about some random stuff but that pretty yet adorable face was interrupting him he groans

'You hold such a deep oceans in your eyes that i drown into it without any strom'


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