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Jungkook smile "pretty boy?" Taehyung hummed in reply "when i act rude to you huh?" He asked softly taehyung look at him with his cute puppy eyes making jungkook mind go crazy he hissed

"look you are again giving such a rude expression" jungkook chuckled "no pretty boy its just you made my mind go hazy by this cute look and i wont be rude to t you ok" taehyung just nod slowly

"Now lets go for a lunch" taehyung nodded and they left the library they were oblivious of the fact that someone was watching them with burning gaze he groans getting jeaolous

They were having lunch when taehyung spoke "senior?" Jungkook look at him "yes? But why'd you call me senior you can call me hyung" taehyung nodded

"i am not in mood to attend that thickheaded lecture" jungkook chuckled "lets bunk" taehyung shook "they'll call my dad and he doesn't compromise in studies" he pouts

"Now your pout will blow my mind so you have no choice we'll skip his lecture and dont worry in university everyone fears me so i'll ask to coordinator not to inform your parents" taehyung giggles

Jungkook smiles "you got many personalities kim taehyung" he spoke "huh?" He asked confused "First you can be rude then emotionless then a teenage boy then a cute baby" taehyung got shy

Jungkook stood "lets go" taehyung also stood "but where'll we go?" Jungkook smiles "where ever you want to" taehyung smile alil as his mind again hit the past 'where ever you want sweetie' Jungkook turn to leave as taehyung follows him

At parking lot

Jungkook sat on his bike while taehyung hesitate to do so jungkook hand him a helmet " amm what'll you wear hyung?" He asked "its not my first time but looking at your state it feels like its your first time so wear it also I'm strong"

Taehyung pout "so your are calling me weak?" He said "Infront of me you a toddler" he teases "im not toddler infront of you hyung you are just too big also im younger in age" jungkook chuckled "ok ok sweetie now sit" taehyung still hesitate

Jungkook got off and held helmet from his hand making taehyung wear that and motion him to sit "I'm a nice rider so believe me and sit" taehyung did after jungkook hopped on it "hyung no over speeding I'm afraid" jungkook nod

"Hold me if you are scared" taehyung shook "im not your boyfriend" jungkook turn slightly to taehyung "what if i made you my boyfriend?" Taehyung chuckled

"C'mon why'd you im too much boring" jungkook lowly says "for me you are extremely fun bub" he started the engine and say "so should i?" He asked "Yes" he put race and drove off to university taehyung was scared on road so he held his jackets corner jungkook smirk

He wanted taehyung to hold him completely so he put a harsh race causing him to jerk front and almost hugging his waist "hyung you are scaring me" jungkook raised the speed making taehyung first ride more horrible

"Hyungggg" he winced while hugging him more tight "hey dont you trust your hyung I'm jeon jungkook i've won 20+ races pretty boy" taehyung just hold him tightly completely leaning on his back making jungkook feel butterflies in his stomach

Atfer 20minutes of running the marathon of bike he stopped infront of a calming garden taehyung got off jungkook too taehyubg closes his eyes to enjoy the cool yet calm breeze hitting his soft skin jungkook got lost in him as usual

When taehyung open his eyes saw jungkook so into him making him nervous a little he then voice out looking at front "weather feel more good here" jungkook nod still looking at him

Taehyung ask playfully "are you here to enjoy yourself starring at me or the weather?" Jungkook Answer "what if i say starring at you!" Taehyung chuckled "dont be so cheesy hyung how it could be a fun looking at someone who doesn't even like looking at himself"

His words hit jungkook like a hard wrath "what do you mean KIM TAEHYUNG?" Taehyung shook as nothing "why you felt like broken soul to me? Is it really my misunderstanding or is it true?" Jungkook whispers Taehyung didn't notice as he was so lost in the open sky while jungkook was busy looking at him "Hyung can i go there?" Jungkook nod

'I started to fell for you deeply KIM TAEHYUNG'


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