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They arrived at restaurant as they got down "sweetie what'd you like to order?" He stares at menu "everything looks spicy" he pouts "let me see for a less spicy food hun" he grabs a Menu ordered few dishes Meanwhile yoonmin were fighting for a pasta selection

"They have no understanding between them" Raven-haired said to Grey-haired as he nods "how we have such a good understanding?" He asked "because you are mine and I do understand the thing or a person which belongs to me" he winks

"Ok ok now stop your cheesy self" Grey-haired said "ok as you say" Afterawhile They done eating they came out of restaurant they were heading towards the car "oh crap I forgot my keys and wallet there you guys wait here I'll come"

Brown-haired went in they started to walk they were on edge of footpath when a car in full speed came towards them and taehyung was main target as he was walking few steps away from them due to bright light and sudden horn grey-haired shuts his eyes

He thought that he'll be hit by this car harshly his legs froze there and then someone shouts his name and pulls him back he was now in someone arms a familiar but not familiar scent made him open his eyes slowly he looks up and went blank as he was jimin

"Are you crazy? Can't you move huh?" Blonde-haired scowl at him Raven-haired was in more shock than Grey-haired as he thought his world was going to stop in blink of an eye "why were you so careless?" Blonde-haired said as he moves to driver

He opened the door as he saw that person wasn't hurt much "are you blind or something can't you drive properly when it was red light for you why'd you move huh?" He shouts at him "brakes got f-failed" he said "we'll check it come out I won't let you go like this"

"What happened jim calm down?" Brown-haired said "hyung he was driving drunk and was going to hit taehyung and bullshit is fucking saying his brakes got fail when it shows he surely pulled the brakes now come out can't you hear me out?" He again growl at him

Jungkook came to his senses as he moves to Grey-haired shocked "a-are you ok?" Raven-haired asked to him as he nods slowly "im sorry hun i-i..." he got out of words his mind wasn't proceeding " lets go hyung"

He saw Blonde-haired shouting at a driver Raven-haired moved to him and grab his collars as he pulls him out police were already there but he throws a hard punch on his face Blonde-haired also grabs him Grey-haired got more panicked he calls on them "hyungs stop" he moved forward but before him Brown-haired started to stop them

"Take him to my mansion He looks suspicious as fuck I've seen him before hyung" Raven-haired again pounced over him "yah stop losing your mind first take care of taehyung" jungkook stops as he turns at taehyung who was all panicked he held his wrist and took him to car

"Sweetie are you sure you're OK?" Raven-haired asked him as he nods jungkook hugs him giving a long peck on his forehead "thank God you are safe sweetheart" Brown-haired and Blonde-haired also came and sat Blonde-haired pass water can to Raven-haired "water?" He shook

They drove off to university first as jungkook said taehyung and jungkook got off at university as jimin and yoongi drove away off to their respective places "so my boy wants to go in car or bike?" Raven-haired asked him Grey-haired shrug it off "come on sweetie"

"I told you not to fight?" Grey-haired said "baby look he was on fault I swear to god if something happened to you I might die that time when jimin didn't arrive to you my breath stuck here for the first time I was scared to death you don't know your importance in my life hun"

"Still vio--" he was cut off by Raven-haired "shh lets go" he held his hand "i'll drop you at your place" he said as they went and arrived at their respective places jungkook was fucked up he was still extremely shocked as love of his life was going to hit by a running car in full speed

''Thank god I'm gonna give charity in his name"he said as he smiles 'how far will you fell in love with him?' Raven-haired chuckled at his thoughts as he moved to the basement his dad stopped him "why are you going there?"

"Dad there is someone who i doubt so" he answered his dad nods as jungkook left downstairs he enters in "let me go sir I have nothing to do with that boy how can I hurt someone so fragile intentionally?"

"Thats the point why'd you huh?" Then jungkook got a call "hey jungkook nothing was wrong with his car it was intentional" the Blonde-haired called him and told him he felt shiver ran down in his nerves his mind was now fucked up "ok" he shortly said

"Why you did this?" He said as he leans to him  "i-i didn't do anything car brakes were failed" he got a harsh punch as he shouts at him "it wasn't it wasn't fucking fail bullshit you was going to hit someone my life depends on fucker why?"

"You know you was so dead if something would've happened to him you are still dead tell me who sent why you tried to hit him by your freaking car and lying huh?" He asked grabbing his hairs harshly "you know messing with jeon jungkook parallel to hellfire"

"Tell me who has sent you or else you'll meet your dead parents soon" he warns him but that bullshit has other plans he wasn't in mood to be alright Raven-haired punch him again "tell me are you his killer if yes tell me why are you behind that boy who has done nothing bad in his life huh?"

"Someone is behind your pretty boy and you can't safe him till the end they are not beatable" he replies to him and his next words made Raven-haired blow his mind

'Till now He is in their territory'


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