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"I told you not to break his bones damn it" jimin argue 'he was more stronger we had to do this we are sorry' someone on call said it "Whatever now cut it" jimin cuts the call "taehyung will be mad as fuck but I warned him its his mistake" jimin just sighs

"When you became monster jimin?" Jimin question himself "you made me so fucked up taehyung"


Taehyung was sleeping soundly in raven-haired arms his one hand fisted on his chest the other hand around his torso face hid in his wide shoulder

While jungkook was all armed around him he was wide awake starring at his world "you are so fragile that I think if I touch you little harshly You'll break down how could your parents hurt you so much??" He plants a long yet soft kiss on his forehead as he continue to caress his beautiful grey locks

"You are being my crazy addiction day by day how can I keep distance now?" Jungkook spoke getting all needy just in his thoughts he fell asleep

Next day

taehyung woke up he looks at raven-haired hold on his waist he gently remove his arms as he was just getting down of bed when suddenly he flinched due to the tight hold on his wrist

"Where you going pretty boy?" Raven-haired asked "obviously house I should go to university" the Grey-haired response "No dont go without breakfast" he also sat "no hyung it's late already next time" jungkook shook "no I dont want you to leave me" he pouts "I need to go its important"

Jungkoook nod "ok i'll catch you up later take care bye" he hugs jungkook as he was looking sad "come on I'm not leaving you for forever" he said "You can't ok" taehyung nodded he broke hug and smile at jungkook then he did something which made jungkook fly on 7th cloud

taehyung kiss him

He tilts slightly pecking his cheek cutely
Jungkook groan internally 'damn love you'll be the reason behind my death'
"Bye bye hyungie" jungkook came out of his zone "bye sweetcheeks"


At university he directly went to jimin as he was sitting on bench "come out I wanna talk to you" jimin sighs "But I don't" he said "Park jimin? I said Come out" jimin stood "ok talk to me here I won't go out" taehyung groans "I'm not you I can't expose your bloody sight infront of everyone"

"Taehyung be in your limits!" Grey-haired scoff "limits? What you've done didn't cross boundaries right? Why huh?" He grabs his collars "I warned you" blonde-haired said "what warn? I cant fucking have some peace?" Grey-haired shout he shouts at JIMIN for the first time

"I-i Never imagined that you can do this to another human being out of your agony?" Grey-haired said "not out of agony taehyung out of jealousy" he clears out "Why what jealousy? Huh what in the hell made you jealous of him" some students were in the class but now many students started to come so jimin held his wrist and taking him out

"Now why you took me out shouldn't we talk infront of them?" Blonde haired shook "listen taehyung" he held his shoulder gently which taehyung jerk "What listen? h-he is pain because of me and you are acting like nothing happened why'd you do this?"

"I told you didn't I?" Taehyung shook in disappointment "I never knew that you can go this far just in your fucking jealousy you won't talk to me ever again "

Blonde-haired blood rush to his nerves he got angry asf Taehyung turn to leave but when blondy held his wrist he did something which he has never done to someone he is such a sweet boy but for the first time he got his swear anger issues

He slapped his ex-bestfriend harshly yes he slap "dont touch me ever again" he said and left blonde-haired in utter shocked

'Because of jeon jungkook he slapped you how ironic jimin?'


Taehyung was heading to his room he again felt someone is watching he looked around but found no one 'not even comfortable in my own house'
He sat on bed calls jungkook "Hyung? How are you?" Taehyung asked "im fine how about my jellybean?"

"Fine I guess" jungkook frown "it's mean not fine right?hun you can share it with me you know that right?"

"What's with all these nicknames hyungie?" Jungkook awe "hyungie how cute bub you want me to die?"

"No why'd I don't say like that it's scary to even hear" jungkook smile "I don't know when but hyung you became the most important part of my life"

Jungkook heartbeats insanely "it's my dialouge" taehyung sighs "you call it dialouge? It's an emotion not a movie dialouge you hurt me" he pouts jungkook groans "damn prince im sorry I didn't mean to hurt you it just i l--"

"I slapped him out of anger" jungkook pauses for awhile "who Jimin?" Taehyung hummed "why he bothered you?" He spoke "No but you lied to me" jungkook frown "when Sweetie?" Taehyung sighs and he cuts the call not wanting to repeat he just fit himself in comforter and tried to sleep

'What is happening to me?'

Afterawhile he hears his room's door opened he ignored coz he was finally feeling extremely sleepy he thought maid came to fill up his jug as he told her He felt someone climb on his bed as bed dig from the other side he slightly open his eyes and got shock before he'd shout that person palm his pretty mouth

"Come on its me jungkook" taehyung sighs and remove his hand "you gave me a heart attack move" he pushes him with his tiny fist which jungkook hold
"After making me sleepless you are having sleeps here?" He pulls taehyung closer making him fall on him he caged him by his waist "now complete your talk"

Taehyung looked down playing with his collars "when did I lie to you?" Taehyung says nothing "hmm?" Taehyung pout and looks at him jungkook raised his eyebrows

"When you said..." jungkook nods "tell me I'm all ears" he spoke "You said you know that who fought with you" jungkook frown "yes and where you find lie here?"

"Jimin hyung didn't talk about it I thought--" jungkook sighs "firstly don't think something bullshit ever again and we talked about it already ok so don't worry"

"Really?" Grey-haired ask softly jungkook nodded "pretty boy?" He sweetly calls him "Hmm?" Raven-haired pulls him more closer as he hug him tightly "you scared me I thought I did really something which hurted you"

"Don't do this to me ever again I lose my mind whenever you feel sad or hurt" Taehyung felt goosebumps all over his body when jungkook plant a soft kiss on his neck "You heard me baby?" Taehyung nods jungkook looks at taehyung 'should I ask to hyung? I should it's killing me'

Before taehyung'd say something jungkook a call as he receives coz it was important "hello? Hyung ?"

"Damn I'm coming ok ... ok bye"

'I'll leave love take care bye'


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