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Brown-haired shouts at sleeping jungkook "yah wake the fuck up" Raven-haired groan "cant you wait shorty" he argued "no way wake up you monster" jungkook sighs and did as told

Yoongi and jungkook was having breakfast when ypongi started a disturbing conversation for jungkook "jungkook you wont talk to your parents?" Raven-haired just ignored him "yah jeon"

Raven-haired said rudely "why you hate my presence" Brown-haired shook "then?" Brown-haired sweetly said "yah you cant be mad at them forever right?" Raven-haired just stood up Brown-haired held his wrist "ok ok im sorry" Raven-haired just tilt his head "lets go we'll be late"

At university

Grey-haired was heading towards his department Brown-haired smirks "woo what a pleasant view" Raven-haired follows his eyes direction and his mind heart both skip 'yes what a view' grey-haired was wearing loose white buttoned up shirt with skinny jeans, grey bangs covering his eyes damn

"Hey bro are u even alive he already left? You are starring at the same spot" Raven-haired scoff "no i am not" he said "oh yeah im blind" Brown-haired mocked "yes shorty" Raven-haired tease "im not short u are just tall" he huffed out "im not that tall"

Raven-haired answered "oh yeah u are short too then" Brown-haired teased "fuck u" Raven-haired shout "fuck taehyung instead" jungkook pauses at his spot while Brown-haired spank his ass and ran away and shout "have fun bitch" Raven-haired shout back "i'll"

In a first period

Professor lee was giving lectures while jungkook and ypongi was arguing at the back grey-haired was quite near them he just gave 'fuck' look to them brown-haired smiles as he found him cute Raven-haired also noticed his reaction he felt weirdly jealous 'why jeon?' Raven-haired whisper "this guy is surely doing something to me" he mumbles "huh what?" Jungkook shook

At break

Grey-haired wasn't feeling like to eat so he went through the university listening to music he was finding a peaceful area having no kid so he went to backyard and find raven-haired almost killing a person by kicking him his breath got hitched as he felt scared

coz he was holding a knife beating doesn't scare him but knife and blood do,he took step back but he didn't go unnoticed by jeon jungkook he was out of his mind

The next moment raven-haired was right infront of him with his sweaty bangs and siren eyes grey-haired again step back yoongi was little scared coz Raven-haired might hurt him he thought

Raven-haired step forward grey-haired again step back he was big infront of taehyung's petite figure making him scared asf he flinched when his back touched the cold wall he looked down

Jungkook voice out "why are you here?" Taehyung kept quiet jungkook asked loudly this time as he hates ignorance "i asked something?" Jk again asked "were you stalking us?" Taehyung shook jungkook grab his jaws not so harshly making him look up

jungkook's anger flew away meeting his ocean eyes this closely jk said alil softly this time "someone sent you here pretty boy?"

Jungkook knew that taehyung was just chilling around as he spot his pods and phone but still he questioned him wanting to hear his voice talking to him or answering to him "hey pretty boy?" Taehyung shook jungkook nod "but u shouldn't roam around like this even in university coz you know world isn't as calm as you"

Yoongi was sure jungkook has something to do with this pretty boy he smirked understanding alil as jungkook eyes starring at him like his universe depend on that certain beauty

taehyung just look around understanding there proximity there was only distance of 3 inches between them and jungkook piercing his soul through his eyes

Yoongi scoff bringing jungkook came out of his trance jungkook blink and move back "dont talk about this scene here to anyone got it if you did you have to confront me!" Taehyung just nod jungkook motion him to leave and he left hurridely jungkook smile at him

Yoongi sweetly spoke "awww someone is whipped" jungkook roll his eyes "lets go" he ordered "we were doing something or his ocean eyes gave sympathies to u? By the way his eyes did that to me too"

jungkook eyes avert to him in a speed of light "dont you think you are teasing the hellfire?" Yoongi shook "why? are u interested in him?" he wiggles his eyebrows "yes so what if am and listen his eyes wont do anything to you" yoongi nod understanding his possession

Jungkook bent to that boy and grab his jaws really tight "someone is more important than you so im leaving you just for now but be ready for the next time" he said and left he had feelings that taehyung was upset by the view he was trying to find him to know is he fine or not?

And he did find him with down head he felt guilty for making that pretty boy upset 'should i go or check on him' just when he held his courage bell rang taehyung stood up and turn around jungkook was standing there Grey-haired got his urge to ask him "do u need something?" Jungkook look here and there "no just... are u ok?"

Taehyung nod and smile alil as its rare when someone ask him 'is he ok or not' jungkook was glad yet he get goosebumps seeing his pretty smile
"amm... thats good then" taehyung just nod and walk out jungkook smile like a creep as he was already on his nerves now he was coping on his heart too

At off timing taehyung was heading to main door towards his car a guy named 'kai' stopped him he looks up to him "are you that pretty boy?whom everyone talk about" taehyung just kept his cool and doesn't reply

'YOU need to stay away from JEON JUNGKOOK'


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