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Jungkook was walking through the corridor he saw taehyung was also coming he wanted to greet him but no he was being so low infront taehyung now he wont Taehyung felt bad that jungkook ignored him but its his own choice from the start he has pushed everyone, waiting for someone who doesn't even care about him! MAY BE

Jungkook enter in a class and sat taehyung also enter his eyes met with jungkook who look aside in a one blink 'now he got attitude well thats great he won't bother me' taehyung also sat and put pods

That famous student enter whom he ignored the very first day she knocked on his table he looks at her plucking out his pods "yes?" She smiles "hey can you come out i wanna talk to you?" Taehyung look around coz everyone was looking at him "im ryu sehan" taehyung nodded "ok but why you want me to come with you?" Sehan says "c'mon junior can you not listen to your senior for once?"

Jungkook roll his eyes he wanted to stop him but 'no' why'd he interfere? Taehyung nod slowly she smirks sweetly and went out with taehyung behind her jungkook also stood and walk behind them Coz he found her suspicious when she stops at corner where there no one was around there those bullies arrived "hey handsome we got you" sehan chuckled "you are innocent" taehyung look at her

"Well im not as negative as you why'd you bring me here to waste my time?" A guy move forth and put his hand on his shoulder "whats your problem dont come near me" he pushes him that guy grab him harshly by his forearm making taehyung hiss coz his nails almost digging his soft flesh jungkook took one step forward but someone butted in before him

"Hey stop it what you guys are doing?" Sehan looks at him "he insulted me the very first day i talked to him i wont leave him!" Taehyung got confused "when?" He asked "When i asked your name!" Taehyung scoff "what? Who are you to whom i have to tell my name" sehan growl "still you are on your attitude im the most popular girl in this university bruh! No one can reject me but guess what you did!!"

Taehyung jerk her grip on his hand "i dont care if you are popular and do not bother me again" the guy named kai grab his wrist and pulls him back jungkook's blood boiled

"Hey you boy you are getting on my nerves" jungkook came and grab kai's hand which was holding taehyung's flesh "yeah of course he is so attractive that he gets on everyone nerves isnt it?"

"Now who are you to interrupt jeon jungkook?" Sehan asked "The most popular boy in this university may be second now coz he is more famous than you and of course than me so u need to stop your pick me skills infront of him he is not interested in girls like you"

Sehan scoff "what made him more famous than me?" Jungkook chuckles "his gorgeous and quiet personality unlike yours HYPED UP BEAUTY WITH EXTREMELY ANNOYING PERSONALITY! "He jerks kai hand

"Lets go taehyung" he turns "what do you think of yourself?" Kai asked "which you cant think of yourself" kai scoff "well jeon jungkook you know that it can coz a trouble to your priority which i can guess is him!" Jungkook came face to face to him "try me bullshit"

Kai looks at taehyung with his weird gaze making jungkook angry he grabs his collar "i dare you to look at him ever again you all also take it as my first and last warning" he grabs taehyung hand and drag him along with him

Kai smirk "got your weakness" Taehyung got jerk at front by jungkook "are you fool to follow that bullshit" taehyung just look aside making jungkook angry "hey you kim taehyung im talking to you!"

"Why?" taehyung asked,Jungkook held his wrist and pulls him closer looking directly in his eyes "coz i want to and they are the badest bully in this school i dont want them near you thats it"

"Why you don't want it?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow "you ask many questions" taehyung sighs "can't you answer?" Jungkook smirk "being a sassy mouth with this sweet face its too much sweety"

Jungkook roll his hands around his waist and whisper "But I love it" Taehyung got nervous "coz everything you do just tempt the devil inside of me prettyboy"

Taehyung put his hands on jungkook to push him and say "i need to stay away from you not them" and he pushes him "and dont show off your power infront of me and no need to protect me when you just ignored me like i don't even exist" he said and turn

Jungkook chuckled at his cuteness even his salty behavior twisted the fuck out of him he again hold him by Turning him and from his both wrists he pulled him a little closer and confess

"I never show off my power pretty boy and i'll protect you when needed coz i genuinely care about you!" Taehyung look at him confused "whats so confusing pretty boy?" Taehyung just roll his eyes and push him "Now dont hold me" and left jungkook smile "i wish you could see the creepy smile i have when talking to you pretty boy!"

At break

he was in library jungkook come to him "hey pretty boy i searched the whole cafeteria and you are here"Taehyung sighs "why'd you search for me?" Jungkook says "coz i wanted to"
taehyung groan "you know i felt like you are playing with me to over come your boredom" jungkook smile fade away making taehyung gulp slightly he came dangerously closer to his face

"Don't dgarde my attention towards you pretty boy" taehyung just look aside as jungkook move back "aren't you hungry?" Taehyung shook jungkook look at him suspiciously "you got upset?"

Taehyung kept quiet jungkook sat beside him rolling his hand around him "hey pretty boy?" Taehyung nod jungkook ask "why?"

'I don't like your rude behavior towards me'


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