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Grey-haired sat on his bed leaning to headboard "damn it my head hurts" he said massaging his head "why it have to be me?" He asked looking up "you know I never hurt someone I never asked for someone's bad niether i show off my money to someone nor being dominant on a person Still why is it me?" He sighs "I don't like my life in this way"

Door opens as Raven-haired entrred he showed no reaction making him feel weird "so how is my hun?" Grey-haired nodded as ok "when is the farewell?" He asked "tomorrow" he answered "what is the theme?" He asked "I don't know Maybe no theme" he said

"Oh then you'll wear white you know I love white on you" He winks at him Grey-haired said nothing "what happened do something happened in university" he asked Grey-haired was now super concerned about that hazel-haired's words "you know that who is my so called stepbrother?" He said

"I don't know" he said hesitated "why are you nervous then?" He asked "no it just leave it nah tell me how was your day" He said changing the topic "why would you hide it from me again?" He asked confused "kai he is that person  right and you told me half truth even tho it was important to tell me" he said "w-who told you that?" He asked "it doesn't concern you" He said

"Ok sorry I know it's wrong to lie but I was just leave honey it doesn't matter who is he?" He said "what why is it so easy for you to just diss me whenever you want jeon jungkook?" He said "I also don't care who is he or not the thing is when he told me and showed me some proofs I felt ditched ok its not that a big deal for you right?" He said as Raven-haired shook as no "it's a big deal for me I can't make you feel ditched honey"

"I know how much you do or not that's why you lied to me then he said your jungkook didn't tell you about it when he tells you everything why'd he miss such an important talk?" He said as he sighs and continue "I-i felt insecured I don't know why but I did feel that I also don't why but i-i am extra sensitive in our matter even your little words, things,argue and more hit me harder than anyone else y-you made strong yet weak at the same time"

Raven-haired felt ticklish feelings in his stomach as he smiles "and now it's funny for you" He groans "no taehyung I'm not smiling at your miseries it just I feel good when you express to me and I swear to god bub I never find this conversation important" he explains "wow it's about my close relationship Mr.jeon you are so crazy like why'd you break the promise?" He said "you also did" Raven-haired reply "what? yes I know I did but I had a solid reoson"

"What reason?" He said making Grey-haired mind blow "now you will question me like this?" He argues "you know why I didn't want to tell you about it?" He asked "because you are just so insane I thought you might kill that kai that was the reason and I knew that after this I'd be guilty because of you,I don't need a title of being a reason behind my new friend murdering someone that too for me"

He shouts not caring about the other's feelings "and I don't know why I don't want to share anything to you anymore you just distract me out of my trance I was so fine before you but when you came i started to feel for someone in an extreme way but crap it he is not for me" he said as just stood Raven-haired grabbed his wrist "tell me you mean it Taehyung?"

"I did" he said "y-you never think about me how I feel or how I'll feel after the harsh wraths you throw on me through your words taehyung I told you im so serious in your matter I also get hurt you are not only one to suffer alone" he voiced out hurt "I never said think about me or take me serious and im the only one to suffer you are just psychotic in such a matters"

"Not in case of everyone taehyung" he said out loud "I,jeon jungkook never in the world ever cried for someone,never plea to someone,never took someone seriously,never thought about them whole night,never care for them and never sacrifice my ego for them but for you I did, still you doubt me and loving someone purely means psychotic for you taehyung?" He shouts

"Don't shout at me!" He shouts back "and I never said do such things for me Im not your God to whom you'll bow down I never ask for all these" he said "but you snatched it" He voiced out"you know you always hurt me still I try to convince you,you always make me feel like I'm some sort of villain and you always make me sick of myself"

"You know you cluelessly took your anger on me coz you have no one to throw wraths on so you do this to me you can do I gave you rights b-but atleast try to understand me and stop making me feel so out of cast you are not only weak in such a matters I'm more taehyung you made me go insane and still you blame me for being so psychotic in our matter?" Raven-haired said Grey-haired felt bad but he ignored and just jerk his hold on his flesh and left the room shutting the door hardly 

Raven-haired took a long deep breath as his tear escape his eyes he chuckled dryly "what are you?" He asked looking at the spot where Grey-haired was standing moment ago he wipes his tears leaving his apartment and sitting in a car "who the fuck told him about kai I told jimin today I think he did that cunning bitch" he growls Hitting the starring wheel "FUCK"


He arrived at his place and got off He enters inside his room without giving a single glance to his parents "is he ok?" His dad asked "I don't think so he looked pissed should I go and check?" She said "not right now let him get fresh and make something delicious for him he might feel better" he said she nods as she went to kitchen she ordered the cook to make something delicious for him



She knocks on door and enters "yes?" He said with his off voice "what happened to my son?" She said as she sat on bed Raven-haired sighs and says nothing "so he won't share to her mother? Taehyung got angry on you?" She asked Raven-haired pout and nods

'I'm just so done mom I can't take it anymore'


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